Episode 17

Breaking New Ground: REEL Life (Movie) Adventures in Soul Evolution: The Reason and with Special Guest Christi-Anne Holder, LMT | EP 017

Alex is six years old and has an illness affecting all those around him. This episode discusses the movie "The Reason." The theme of the movie is around four different "beliefs." This episode's special guest is Christi- Anne Holder, a connoisseur of movies who has a real gift of seeing the spiritual significance in films.

These episodes of Mastering Life's Adventures Through Soul Evolution revolve around "REEL Life Adventures in Movies," which focuses on the deeper meaning, significance, and what movies reveal to us. In many films, lessons are learned, connections are made, and gifts are acknowledged and discussed through the lens of Soul Evolution.

Please feel free to join our Mastering Life's Adventures (MLA) Extras and Community Forum for seekers desiring a community of like-minded people! The Reason – Part II discussion is at drjudithmla@substack.com  

About the Guest:

Christi-Anne Holder, LMT, is the owner of Health Solutions Medical & Sports Massage in Apex, North Carolina. For 25-plus years, her passion is to support her clients in achieving optimal health and well-being through ease of motion and pain reduction. She specializes in Medical, Neuromuscular, Deep Tissue, Sports, Myofascial Release, Trigger Point, and Lymphatic Drainage Massage.

Ms. Holder is a graduate of The Swedish Institute of Massage Therapy in Manhattan, New York. She holds certifications in medical, neuromuscular, sports and lymphatic drainage therapies. Ms. Holder is licensed in both North Carolina and New York.

Christi-Anne's hobbies are cooking, holistic baking, reading, and watching good movies!



About the Host:

Dr. Judith Holder’s passion is empowering people to be their best selves! Dr. Holder is the founder and executive director of Unique Pathways™ (www.uniquepathwayscoaching.com). She is a leadership coach-psychologist, facilitator, consultant, and author.

Our paths are filled with many adventures in which Judith believes can be seen as growth opportunities, even during challenging times. She likes to think about, discover, and discuss personal and professional life’s circumstances as you journey through life, through the lens of Christian values, Buddhist precepts, Ascended Master teachings and Esoteric Principles to gain greater clarity and mastery in daily living. 

Dr. Holder is the author of Mastering Life’s Adventures: On the Beam – Essential Insights for Growth and Self-Mastery, and an e-book, Opening Up to Your Divinity: Practical Strategies and Practices for Soul Growth

On a personal note, Dr. Holder sees herself as a perpetual student/seeker learning from her everyday adventures, which she considers as a part her ongoing growth and evolution of her SOUL. The fun part is we are all walking similar journeys together!

Judith enjoys spending time with family, vacationing at beaches and mountains sides, reading, walking, partaking in mindfulness practices, and is a certified yoga instructor.


Dr. Holder’s books on Mastering Life’s Adventures: On the Beam and Opening Up to Your Divinity: Practical Strategies and Practices for Soul Growth can be found at -



Mastering Life’s Adventures “How to” Downloadable Courses at www.uniquepathwayscoaching.com under the Tab “Offerings”

  • Course 1: Mastering Life’s Adventures mini-course
  • Course 2: Opening Up to Your Divinity mini-course


Learn more about “Mental Fitness for Busy People”, at www.uniquepathwayscoaching.com under the Tab, “Offerings”


You can also check out Dr. Holder’s at

LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/judith-c-holder-phd-ms-pcc-bcc-a1a4a57/

Executive and Leadership Coaching website: www.uniquepathwayscoaching.com

Speaking Engagements (for Women New to Leading): www.drjudithholder.com


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Dr. Judith Holder:

Welcome to Mastering life's adventures, an educational podcast about tapping into your true self, the soul, your soul, the substance of your life, to discover what life's ups and downs are really about, and how to have a greater sense of purpose, peace, joy, and fulfillment. I am Dr. Judith holder and your host, Coach psychologist Delos seeker, he enjoys diving into the connections between spirituality, psychology, wellness, and your everyday life's adventures. All comparing and polishing you like the fast is a magnificent diamond to be your best self. If you're craving more from your life, you are in the right place. Come let's journey together and transforming what you know. And to who you really are mastering life's adventures begins now.

Dr. Judith Holder:

Hi, I'm back. And we're here to talk about a movie called The reason. And I'm here with Christi-Anne Holder. And she's a connoisseur of movies. And I saw appreciate her perspective and view the various types of movies when they come out, especially maybe to have some level of spiritual significance. And this movie called The reason is very significant, because it shows this issue of I would frame the question of how do we believe? Yes, is how do we believe and this movie was related to three types of beliefs. There is, or maybe you can say four. But so there is the disbelief nonbelief no belief, and belief. And as the movie states only believe. But these other three are stories about characters within this movie that represents these other types of beliefs, the disbelief, non belief, no belief, and believe. And I wanted to begin with talking more about that and taking maybe some scenes from this particular movie on the reason and just have a conversation about it. And also, as you are seekers, you may want to go and see this movie too. After we have this conversation is on Pureflex if you have Pure Flix, or you may be able to google it and find where it's being shown other places as well. So Christi, what what do you how do you what is your thoughts about the movie when you you saw the movie?

Christi-Anne Holder:

Oh, my first movie, I've always been told, out of the mouth of babes comes to truth. And this little one, a six year old, had the most belief out of everyone. It didn't matter. This is what the cross was struck by lightning. But it was okay. Because that was God's way of communicating. This is what the six year I believe, yes, correct. So his belief was so strong, that it actually galvanized everybody else around him to do something about fixing this cross.

Dr. Judith Holder:

And the interesting part of it is this was a six year old who had an illness, which what ended up being leukemia, that the mother and those that was around that child was really trying to help and the doctors were trying to help. And so getting back to your point is in even in the midst of him being ill, he still held his spirit, strong belief in God, being the able to help whatever was going to happen in their worlds within their church world, their family world or in his own world.

Christi-Anne Holder:

Very much. So to the point. That I mean, there's the doctor may see who is on me, I can do this. I can do this and move God completely out of the picture. Then there's Zach, who says, Why are you talking about God at all? Because he's no belief because of what happened in his world and with his sister. And then there's a nurse kaitland Who thinks that she's just damaged goods and God can't do anything with her. So she's nonbelief those are the three categories that you were just mentioning.

Dr. Judith Holder:

Chris with a plus with The child and the one who had the belief

Christi-Anne Holder:

the child was the one who galvanized the other three, in the sense of got the conversation going between the other three. Okay, and then here comes Kenneth, who is the the angel in the scene, or the person who's closest to God, and break comes forth and shows them all that it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what's happening in your world, as long as you believe. God is always there, to the point whereas things that happened, you put a cross together and instantaneously. It's like, how did you do that? How Dr. Zack is always asked, How did you do that? How did you do that?

Dr. Judith Holder:

That's a scientific mind, who always wants to know how you did something. But with that was this is that there was a lightning that took place, and that cross was split. So they were trying to find someone or a group of people could be able to help put together back this cross on the church's property. And it ended up being Kenneth, who volunteer who was the angel, you're making mention of who volunteered to be able to come and help them with trying to put this cross back together. And because insurance we're not paying for acts of God, as they said, quote, unquote,

Christi-Anne Holder:

which is, which is very true in a lot of different manners when it comes to going short. Guys, but yes, but the even sell the child still believe that that cross would be fixed. And that was done instantaneously. And so I mean, that was the minister. first miracle. He looked at that as a miracle that the

Dr. Judith Holder:

crisis, class was fixed. And in the movie, you see how Kenneth goes about doing that with the radiant radiance of his light, that he was able and the power of the light was able to mend that bitter cross back together. And that's similar to what our soul needs, you know, our soul needs that light. And where we put our attention, as I've said, in other episodes is where our experience will be. And when we put our attention in cultivating our soul, which is the soul of light, it moves us further back on our path or journey back to the god source.

Christi-Anne Holder:

So that that's the minister. He's always like, counting up the strokes got strokes, in the sense that that was his first miracle. The second miracle is when he is he's blind. But he's grateful to be alive. He's grateful for his wife and his son, and his congregation. And he's been blind for five years. Yeah. So he goes, he's in he's home. Nobody else is home and he wants a cup of coffee. All right, it's like, okay, nobody's here. I'll just do it myself. Okay, so he goes into his cabinet, and he gets himself a cup, he picks up the coffee. Now there's another thing about the cross, I got a backup, where Kenneth says, when they talk about Psalms or Proverbs, and the minister says one, so So Kitty says that's a good one. But I like 716. And so the minister says, Hmm, what is that one? Can you recite it for me? He says, that's for another time.

Dr. Judith Holder:

administer a gym. Yeah. And so when that was happening, going back and forth and talking about Proverbs, then he actually can, who is the kind of the angel said, You had another proverb or mother quote from the Bible. And he said, he said, 716, and that 716, the Minister or Reverend was really befuddled by it, and wasn't quite sure. And he says, Well, I will need to look that up.

Christi-Anne Holder:

So they move on the crosses, fix. Everybody's out doing their thing, make them in the gym, the minister or the minister wants a cup of coffee. He's in his kitchen. He pours himself a cup of coffee, but he spills it too. He doesn't realize he's spilling it on the floor, since he doesn't see it. So he's being happy around this kitchen. And then he slips and falls and hits his head. kind of Max himself out a little bit. But when he wakes up, it's 716.

Dr. Judith Holder:

And he wakes up. He's very blurred, right? Is kind of wiping his his eyes. And he's looking at the clock because he's pulling himself up off the floor. And it's 716 is like big guy.

Christi-Anne Holder:

Exactly. But that's again, that's the belief. He is He is almost like that, like Alex, a little boy, in the sense that he's minister, he's been a man of God all of his life. And it doesn't matter if he sees or not, but as far as he's concerned, he calls the doctor in to check them over to make sure everything's okay. And the doctors trying to give him a scientific explanation why he got his eyesight back. This isn't No, this is a miracle. Okay?

Christi-Anne Holder:

This is a miracle. And the doctor says, But you know, it could be that when you bumped your head, do not some plaque off your your nerves and allowed you to he said, How often does that happen? Okay, okay, so what is the definition of a miracle? All right. So that was miracle. Number two. No, right. Because his his love for God, His gratefulness for what he has done. His thing was be grateful for what you have not be upset about what is taken away, which is the beautiful beauty of the whole situation. The third thing that I like the most is when the little boy, the mother of the doctor Maisie, Dr. Maisie tells the little boy's mother that they've tried everything, nothing's working.

Dr. Judith Holder:

He's got looking here. Yeah, he's getting worse, not better. And at the time, he was when they tried to do the bone

Christi-Anne Holder:

that the bone marrow transplant, but it's still not working. And they're, they don't understand why and very upset and the mothers saying, I believe it's going to be well, I believe God's gonna make well, but God's not gonna take them away from me. But that's an that's a non belief. It's a belief with a string attached. Okay, because she didn't, she left a piece of that. And that piece is not my will. but Thine be done. Okay? If it's your will, please let him stay. But if it's your will, that he must go, helped me to understand

Dr. Judith Holder:

why, or helped me to heal from the loss heal from the loss. But that reminds me to even in terms of Christian and Jesus in the garden Gemini where he didn't want to go through the pain and suffering and having to go to the crucifixion. But he said, nevertheless, not my will, but Thine be done. And that's the same thing that you're saying with this situation with her her son, who Alex, who has leukemia. And she just says, I believe and so I believe it, so it should happen. But that's weird. Sometimes we don't understand there's more complexities of levels that are going on, because people come into our life for a reason. And the soul has to go through certain experiences that we may not know, of all those reasons. But if you are a seeker and a believer, then you hold on to the belief that this situation is happening in my world, as rough as it may be as challenging and painful as it may be. There is a particular reason that I'm going through this experience. And sometimes that's where a true faith or belief really needs to be held on to. And sometimes we need to slow things down like a skateboard and I give that analogy being on a skateboard and slowing it down and looking at what is it that I'm supposed to be learning here Lord, you know, what is it that I need to see that I'm not seeing? And what is it that I need to strengthen in myself? And what is my soul needing at this time? So this like you're slowing that skateboard down so you can see a little bit more through your reflection as opposed to just kind of going from the standpoint it's just going to happen because that's what I think is gonna happen. Which are two different things when you say

Christi-Anne Holder:

one is my well, because my well says isn't gonna happen, instead of being Gods Well, the thing is, the boy is the one who had the perfect analogy, the perfect thought. And he says to his mom, Oh, Mom, if I have to go, Okay, I will ask grandma, where your necklace is, and I will help you find it. Okay, and he was resigned to whatever God's God's Will it was that he was he was, too was okay with it.

Dr. Judith Holder:

Yeah. And that that brings up because the mom would tell the story to that to her son, which was alykes about her relationship with her mother. And how they both made this necklace together. And they that were they would wear it on every other day, mom would wear it one day, and she would wear the next but because of an accident that happened to her, her parents, her mom, that she never reclaimed that necklace again. So that was a loss. And this is the love of a child. And she could see the pain in that loss of that necklace and how much it meant to his mom. And that's why he was saying what you were saying about if I have to go, I'll ask grandma, where your necklace is around, we'll help you find that. I'll help you to find it.

Christi-Anne Holder:

And so when he does go, and he does pass, yes, he does,

Dr. Judith Holder:

which creates either this thing that happens when people do pass loved ones pass or unexpected things that do happen to us. We get angry. We get resentful. We feel as if God failed us in some way.

Christi-Anne Holder:

Like I believe I believe so he should have saved, he shouldn't have took him I believe.

Dr. Judith Holder:

Right. Right. And it's good that that also is kind of a kind of a double edged sword because it's not testing Do you really believe. Because there's different forms of belief, or maybe I should say different dimensions of which belief is happening on this, you know, different dimensions in which belief has taken place on that in the in the physical, it may be something that's taken from us, but on another level may be gaining something that helps us to mature and grow in our soul evolution that we wouldn't have done otherwise.

Christi-Anne Holder:

Exactly right to the point where it's the mother and and Alex's Father, get back together. And Alice made a wish. And as they're celebrating the mother, I know what Alice asked for. Because she was expecting that she was expecting another boy. So Alice will ask for brother.

Dr. Judith Holder:

Yeah, so this was during the celebration of the birth day of the son of the pastor, and who's an adult. But, Charlie? Yeah. And so it was in that gathering, and which he had a wish, and when he was going to blow out the candles, and Charlie doesn't speak. And in that he blew out the candles. And that's when they made the announcement that they were they were expecting, they were expecting alysus mom and father were expecting another child. And it was going to be a boy.

Christi-Anne Holder:

That's Charlie loss of friend and best friend. And now it's almost like our coming back. Because they were expecting another boy.

Dr. Judith Holder:

Yeah, which he you can see the light in his face when he heard that which was wonderful. So these, these issues around belief, non belief, disbelief, no belief are something that I think everyone has to reconcile that sometimes we don't believe in God, sometimes we do when things are going well, we believe and then when they don't go so well, we kind of get a little bit foggy about whether you know God exists or not, is supposed to help us. But I think sometimes the point that is being next is, we are living a life in which we have choices. God is always with us, within us and around us. But we are living the life. And God will help us to the degree that he can. But we have to live our life and make the choices. It is up to us to make those choices. And so for us to learn the experiences that we need to learn in order for us to continue to evolve and grow based upon those choices and decisions.

Christi-Anne Holder:

And like the pastor says he's been asked many times, where's God when things go wrong? And his answer is, he's in the same place he's always been. You just don't realize he hasn't changed. He's still there. But have you moved on? off the line.

Dr. Judith Holder:

Yeah, that really you see what I get use the analogy of the, the Imagine life's Avengers. And I'm one of the My first book was on the balance beam. And so that is like, are you balancing on that beam, that balance beam or a beam of light below that beam of light or elimination, that beam of light of understanding, or understanding that the situation that you're finding yourself in is asking you to, to walk that straight line on the beam, so that you can do the flip off the beam and land on your feet. So with that being said, I think this was a nice depiction of how sometimes we are so trained as physicians in this particular case, to unscientific reasoning, and believing that is the science behind everything, that's all you need, in order to move through life. And there is another camp that was just there. And within this movie, saying, science has its place, just as our ego has its place. But there is also something that we don't know of that's far and beyond the science, which is that God factor and the belief that you have, and the surrendering of that belief to something higher, that it actually allows our soul to continue to grow and advance, because we're willing to be able to know that the things that are coming in our life are for our soul testing, and for our soul to grow in advance. Any thoughts? Final thoughts about that?

Christi-Anne Holder:

My final thought on that in the sense that when there are some doctors believe that when there are terminal patients, when they have a belief in a higher power, they find that they do much better in either their recovery, or their transition. Due to that fact.

Dr. Judith Holder:

Yes, yes, there is something in the X Factor, I'll call it. And that X factor is the god factor that allows many miracles, as you were mentioning era, and also three miracles, that allow miracles that because we don't necessarily know all of what God knows, but we know this much that if we can continue to work on our belief, and our faith, and knowing that we are walking as seekers a spiritual path, and that things that come into our world. Usually, there is a reason that this Comey and even though as I said earlier, we may not like it, but if we can draw the silver lining from it, and be able to strengthen ourselves. Isn't that so much better? Because we're growing and we're advancing. And we're learning a little bit more about how to navigate our particular world, and what works and what doesn't work. If thing was, Shangri La, the idea why what we'll be learning. Everything was always brand and beautiful. How's that strengthening the soul and helping the soul to grow? We have to realize that some experiences are going to be painful. They're not we're not going to like them, but we sure can grow through them by the grace of God. Something to think about. Take care. Thanks.