Episode 11

Laying the Foundation: Four Soul States, Ego Involvement, and the Mediator | EP 011

Dr. Judith discusses four Soul states (i.e., asleep, dozing, partially awake, engaged-ascending Soul) on the path in Soul evolution, the experience of the ego-persona, and the role of the great mediator, Jesus. She tells two stories: the ‘Tortoise and the Hare’ and the ‘Baby Eagle and the Big Eagle’  as representation of the soul, ego-persona, and Jesus representing the role of the Mediator along with other saints, as examples of helpers to our ongoing Soul advancement.


*From Dr. Holder’s second book (2020 e-book): Opening Up to Your Divinity: Practical Strategies and Practices for Soul Growth.

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About the Host:

Dr. Judith Holder’s passion is empowering people to be their best selves! Dr. Holder is the founder and executive director of Unique Pathways™ (www.uniquepathwayscoaching.com). She is a leadership coach-psychologist, facilitator, consultant, and author.

Our paths are filled with many adventures in which Judith believes can be seen as growth opportunities, even during challenging times. She likes to think about, discover, and discuss personal and professional life’s circumstances as you journey through life, through the lens of Christian values, Buddhist precepts, Ascended Master teachings and Esoteric Principles to gain greater clarity and mastery in daily living. 

Dr. Holder is the author of Mastering Life’s Adventures: On the Beam – Essential Insights for Growth and Self-Mastery, and an e-book, Opening Up to Your Divinity: Practical Strategies and Practices for Soul Growth

On a personal note, Dr. Holder sees herself as a perpetual student learning from her everyday adventures, which she considers as a part her ongoing growth and evolution of her SOUL. The fun part is we are all walking similar journeys together!

Judith enjoys spending time with family, vacationing at beaches and mountains sides, reading, walking, partaking in mindfulness practices, and is a certified yoga instructor.


Dr. Holder’s books on Mastering Life’s Adventures: On the Beam and Opening Up to Your Divinity: Practical Strategies and Practices for Soul Growth can be found at -



Mastering Life’s Adventures “How to” Downloadable Courses at www.uniquepathwayscoaching.com under the Tab “Offerings”

  • Course 1: Mastering Life’s Adventures mini-course
  • Course 2: Opening Up to Your Divinity mini-course


Learn more about “Mental Fitness for Busy People”, at www.uniquepathwayscoaching.com under the Tab, “Offerings”


You can also check out Dr. Holder’s at

LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/judith-c-holder-phd-ms-pcc-bcc-a1a4a57/

Executive and Leadership Coaching website: www.uniquepathwayscoaching.com

Speaking Engagements (for Women New to Leading): www.drjudithholder.com


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Dr. Judith Holder:

Welcome to Mastering Life's Adventures, an educational podcast about tapping into your true self, the soul, your soul, the substance of your life, to discover what life's ups and downs are really about, and how to have a greater sense of purpose, peace, joy, and fulfillment. I am Dr. Judith holder and your host, Coach psychologist Delos seeker, he enjoys diving into the connections between spirituality, psychology, wellness, and your everyday life's adventures. All comparing and polishing you like the fast is a magnificent diamond to be your best self. If you're craving more from your life, you are in the right place. Come let's journey together and transforming what you know. And to who you really are Mastering Life's Adventures begins now.

Dr. Judith Holder:

Hi, I'm back. And the next thing I've been thinking about has been related to Are there different states of the soul? Something I wrote about too, and I and I was thinking about it more. Because this last episode I did and talking about the the different cries of the soul. And I thought, well, this might be a good sequence in terms of the next to talk about the different states of the soul. And I do talk more about it and opening up to your divinity, which is an ebook. But what I want to share here. But what I would like to share here, is related to soul states. Not getting into the as much details about it. But I think enough, because we need to know that the soul does have assistance and helping us moving forward. But we also first need to know what what state may our soul be at. And it can be different for each person. For example, you may and I'll just talk about for you may, your soul may be asleep. And it's unconscious and aware, it's dormant. And it lives you know and the world the eagle lives in the world in terms of being materialistically focused, and it's wanting to just continue to live life as it is because the soul is dormant, doesn't have an awareness, even though there's still an inkling even that dormancy of wanting something more. But what happens is in our desire, wanting something that inkling of wanting something more when the eagle takes it in a different light, it takes it in a more materialistic, like, I want some more of, you know, money, or I want a prestigious job, or I want greater status, or want to have a family. The end reads that urge in that way. But it's really a different language of the soul. But so first, let's swing back around to that in a minute. But first, we have that asleep soul then you can have the dozing soul and the dozing soul vacillates between reappears that awareness and then more moves into this slumbering state. So weird that there's something more but then it kind of goes back into slumbering. And so it can be more prolonged periods in which the soul is and being an attentive to, and being neglected in some ways. But when it is, and that Inkling state that comes up that gets into the greater and modal degree, your awareness, you know, is the intuition for example, and we trust the intuition and that's a kind of a component of the soul. And so we but we then fall back into this napping periods and groggy sets that goes on with the soul so it's kind of a fuzzy stage and that's that dozing soul

Dr. Judith Holder:

and it's in that state and that dozing period and in that so sleep state those two states that you do you have this just kind of acquiring things in the world, you know, getting the education or making sure you're you're dating and and having a relationship and making sure that you have kids and being able to raise your children and making sure that you're in a job that you'd like to get able to have things and move things forward. And in terms of income, then sense of you're getting things accomplished and you're achieving them What you want to achieve, you know, in your particular job that you may have as a lawyer or your particular job that you have as a homemaker or your particular job that you have, you know, as assistant to someone in working with them. But then the third state is partially awake, the soul is beginning to end, the outer self of who you are, is being aware that there's emerging sensitivities, that you have a greater sense that there is something more than what meets the eye. And in that partial state, you're trying to get clear about what is the sensitivity that I do have. And at the same time, the ego persona, or the ego seems to occupy much more internal rental space in our being. Yet at the same time, the soul is urging, prompting, nagging, to be recognized more, which can be also

Dr. Judith Holder:

be a tuned in or tuned out, depending on whether you use the experiences in daily living as an opportunity to advance the soul. But also can be used as an opportunity to advance the ego, as well. So there's this partially a way that the person may be trying to do things more intentionally, by studying the Bible, or by reading different songs. And the Scripture, which is part of the Bible, are by reading inspirational things that allowed them to feel that is moving them further along, in their awareness about their soul. But at the same time, it's kind of in, there's a competition of the ego, just saying, You need to get this job done. And, you know, they need to spend all the hours that it takes to get it done. Or getting into distractions, and then social media, our time is being used or sucked up. And you know, through that process, being in the social media, for the partial awake, soul knows there's something more but it kind of is now going back and forth with vacillating with that, then you have the fourth state, which is what I call stay engaged, ascending. So the Engage engaged, ascending soul. And that is more of the soul knows that there is the essential self, the real self, that that is infused into their daily living, that they're looking for ways the soul is looking for ways to continue to grow, and to continue to advance and their evolution, they know there is more, they know that there is a soul source that they're moving towards. And every day in every way, they're trying to be able to make wise choices, trying to make the best types of choices that would allow their soul to continue to evolve. And so the eagle now they're more tuned to, but they're starting starting to need to be alert to the fact that the ego can be sneaky, and how it gets the salt off course, because of the needs and the wants of the ego that quiets the needs, and the focus that the soul needs to have and Deion. And so remember I asked you to kind of think about, you know, what the ego and how the ego shows up in your world and past episodes and and how the soul shows up in your world and beginning to distinguish between how your Eagle persona is kind of out there, and how your soul is kind of quietly trying to move along. And it's like the story of the the tortoise and the hare and the hares the ego persona, and the tortoise is the soul. So the hare is saying, Look at me, look at me, you know, I'm gonna win this race, I'm quicker and better, you know, twirl around and plant fun and I can be able to do all these things look at me and wanting all the recognition and that's kind of what the ego is about. But the Taurus slowly, methodically continues to move along. And it continues to not pay attention to all this blood blustering of the the ego that's taken place. And so it ends up being there is two rows. So if you take the row road on the ego is always wanting attention is always wanting to say look at me When it's not under the direction of the soul, and another component I'll be talking about in a minute. But ego will always go for what it wants, and what he thinks it needs, which is that big house or the spells, so the fancy car or the corner office, but the soul says, that's not enough, there's still this urge that seal, a seal goes on within me, even if my soul is asleep, or dozing, or partially awake or engaged, ascending, all those days, there still innately is a desire of the soul that says, I just and this is the higher road, I just, this is just getting a little bit too boring for me. And there's something more, I'm looking for greater purpose, greater meaning. But the ego says, this is the lower road, let's play safe. We know we got we got the car, you know, we got the good job, even though it's not a meaningful job, but it pays well. So we got the job, you know, and we got this, and we got that. And so let's just play it safe. But

Dr. Judith Holder:

the saw, as I mentioned in the last episode, he can be crying in his cry, because it wants your attention. It wants you to move from being asleep, to being more engaged, and ascending daily, to the greater good, to be your best self. So you need to look at how you're driving your vehicle, which is your how you're making your choices, how are you being the captain of your ship, to say, I want to pay more attention to my soul, and what my soul is desiring, versus my ego, which does not quite fulfill the deeper needs that I have. And so between this ego, and the soul, and the kind of friction that go on going back and forth, guess what? We do have assistants. And that systems, which is needed between these two ego personna. And the soul is the mediator. And the mediator in the Judeo Christian tradition was Jesus. He was the mediator that allowed us to be able to have a better understanding what the souls need is because he came to help to move the soul out of jeopardy, because of the ego and the materialistic focus of the eagle being so strong that it said, on the Lord said, Jesus would be the mediator. But people have taken it out of context it because we believe that Jesus was the only son of God. Yes, he was. But Jesus said, the very thing that you do, I do, you can do as well. So he was here as a teacher, the teachers understand the distinctions between ego and materialistic, and being disconnected from the source, and how to reconnect the soul back to its source, and also the pan more focused around the soul, and how to help the soul to evolve and grow. And one of the things that he did was he taught in parables. He taught in parables, very interestingly, because he knew the ego, in the materialistic mind of the ego can't understand parables. But guess what the soul can hear can understand parables and understanding the meaning of the story that was being told. But the ego saying speak, simply talk clearly. What are you saying? You know, we don't understand and what he would do. He still talked in parables. Because it was not for those individuals. He was so eager and eager focused, to get the understanding. And if they wanted to get the understanding, it meant that they would need to let go of something, which is the ego ruling, and they would have to be more humble, to be able to listen and be more curious and ask for Got more understanding of what is being stated. And it's in this simplicity as a little child, we just talked about last time about the baby cries, you know, as the baby grows, as soul grows, that is at some place the of the child and child like awareness of humility, that the soul does grow. And we start to understand more of what is that soul desiring? And how do we help to cultivate our soul

Dr. Judith Holder:

on its spiritual path, allowing it to garner certain experiences, that allows it to grow. So it does require that quietness, it does require for us to even listen to the stories of our world that are going on the stories that we find coming into our world, or we're involved in, in terms of those narratives that go on, and what are the themes to those narratives, that allows us to understand where the soul is needing to grow. For example, if you're always finding yourself in situations that create anger for you, or situations that create disappointment for you, or situations in which you find that you are being sarcastic, and those are the types of situations you want to stop, take a step back and saying, what's what's happening here, because those avenues are the ways of the Eagles, not the ways the soul, the soul is never trying to be mean spirited, or sarcastic, or unkind or feel it needs to justify itself for what's new, what's taking place, or make sure that you understand that I'm superior to you. And therefore you must be inferior. To me, I'm going to talk about those types of qualities, you know, in another other episodes, but the soul is in listening grace, the soul can have her off forever, can lie in to say, when there is something that's taken place that is not appropriate stop, that's not appropriate. And that is the engaged ascending soul, because it has greater discernment, then maybe the dose itself. So depending on the state of the soul, depends also how you go about perceiving things, looking at situations that are occurring in your life and your daily experiences. But regardless of whether it's a sleeping, so dose, and so, or partially awake, soul are engaged in sending soul, you are on a path, to help you to be able to get more aware, and more discerning of the ego, when it's showing up. And when the soul and with the soul need is. So even if it's you're asleep, so you can awaken your soul, by kindness, by reading something that is uplifting, by reflecting by going back to find a soul quote, and write those quotes down and reflect on them and start to ask your own inner self. What do you need? How may I help? It has become you become like the, the Jesus like quality to your soul? Because Jesus was the model or the mediator to show us how to start this get the distinction between soul and ego, ego, materialistic focus, soul, being your best self focused, and how to do that. It does like an eagle. I think of the story of the the baby Eagle being raised with chickens. Actually, have you ever heard that before? You know that there is is eagle who was raised in a chicken pen, and it thought it was a chicken. It acted like a chicken even walked like a chicken. But he was only in the ego that was flying another ego that was flying above that the eagle that was flying above looked down and said what is this eagle doing with chickens? Does it not know what it is? But that's where the baby eagle who was like the soul is maybe asleep partially aware that there's something more than what I'm doing currently. And it's only do the eagle who was flying which is like Jesus, the great mediator who slips down and stay inside As what are you doing? And the baby ECOSYS? What are you talking about? Just why are you with chickens? And baby ECOSYS? Ba? Ba me? You're an ego he does not. I'm a chicken says no. Equal.

Dr. Judith Holder:

The baby chicken is a Yeah. And you're like us, even though they knew when you look differently, but you're like us, you've been with us for so long in the baby Eagle says, Yeah, you know, this is where I'm supposed to be. Even though the baby eagle has some desires, I wanted something more, because it knows it's a little bit different. The ego than the burger Eagles has come with me. And since the baby Eagle doesn't know that it has so much more capacity to expand his wings. That the flying eagle says Come with me. Because this why, where are we going? And it's just come with me. And there's some trust the baby eagle has. And the baby Eagle says okay. So he says, Come with me. So they walk. Because at this point, the baby Eagle doesn't know that he can fly. So it walks up into the top of the mountain and the baby ECOSYS Where are we going? Why are we going up this mountain? Because just come with me. And I'm going to show you something. He says okay. So he goes in there, they go up to the top of the mountain. And the baby Eagle says Wow, there's so much more perspective up here I can see so much. And the eagle says you can do and see even more. He says you can fly. He got no way can I fly? I mean, my you know my when I'm when I'm with my brothers and sister chickens, you know, we don't fly. You know, oh, we kind of flutter our ways a little bit. But we don't fly, because but you're not a chicken. You Eagle This is the same thing that happens with our soul. It gets so used to being commanded by our ego, that it thinks that's just the way it is. That's just who I am. That's just what we do. We want more of this. Okay, we can have it. But the baby Eagle always knows that. It's gotta be something more than this. It's gotta be so big eagle, who was whooped down and taking him to the top of the mountain says you can fly? Because I don't think so. And this is pretty scary because you're Are you asking me to fly? And the eagle says yes. Is innate in you. And you can do this. No, no, no, no, no. I can't do this eagle says yes, you can. And you will. So he says, Trust me. Spread your wings and jump off. And you will be able to fly. And I will do it with you. So after some more coaching

Dr. Judith Holder:

the baby Eagle jumps off and the bigger Eagle jumps off as flap your wings. You can fly. Flap your wings. You can fly. He starts flapping. He fly fast even harder because he's really feeling you know, a scared and he so he flaps and he says I'm flying. I'm flying. I'm flying. And the big eagle says see? Yes, you can fly. And in fact, look down. And what do you see? Because Oh my god. I see with crystal clarity. So many different things. Yes, that's the eagle's eye. We can see more than the air Rich, can see. So Fly, fly in enjoy and allow the wind to embrace you enjoy the experience because you are an eagle, this is the same thing we have to be aware of that when we move from that sleeping state, in, you know, into the awakening state, and the engaging and ascending states, we start to utilize greater faculties, greater attributes, qualities that have been dormant, that we start to cultivate. And just as that big ego, there was Jesus, who helped us and continues to help with our awareness that the very things that he did, he quickly said you can do. And he quickly said, don't put idolatry to me. And in fact, those things that you do, I do, you can do those things that the eagle could do, that baby eagle can do. It just has to learn how, and learn how to be one's best self. And whatever you do, and know that sometimes there will be challenges and difficulties in that process of being your best self, but you're learning, you're growing. You're learning to love your soul, the soul essence of who you are. And that story is just a story representing the how the soul needs to continue to evolve. And to trust that some of the things that you may read about in the life of Jesus or parables or the life of Buddha, any of the great saints are things to read about because it's showing you how they evolved, how they have continued to grow through their ups and downs. Mother Teresa had her ups and downs. And her issues around at times waning phase. But she still was consistent. She was the tortoise that continued to move things along in the best way that she knew how, and stay close to her inner source and her awareness of God in her life. How can you do that? As well? How can you do that, as well? So mastering life's adventures is about helping you to think about how can I be my best self, but also knowing that our soul can be in different states. And probably even more states than I've even mentioned here. And that there is a purpose and a direction. And I've said this before that this ego is subservient to the soul in the sole source. your I Am Presence that aren't mine. Yeah. And so we're learning the nuances of what that means what that looks like. And that's what this podcast is about. Helping you to learn those nuances through different ways, different formats that we're looking at, be able to do that in, in terms of what is soul psychology? What is that wellness aspect that we need to have in our lives and Mind Body, Soul spirit? And what are maybe ways in which movies and to have to share some stories of soul growth through characters as well. There'll be different ways in which we'll be looking at these things.

Dr. Judith Holder:

And I invite you to reflect, to think, to ask questions, because that's what life is all about. For us to keep conscious, and be more intentional about how we're living our life. And knowing that some of the experiences that come our way we can reconnect or redirect or correct them. And every day is a new day to be your best self. Take care. Bye.