Episode 55

Mastering Life’s Living Adventures: Looking for Something More -Part II with Guest Bracha Goetz | EP 055

Bracha Goetz, the guest, is back with Part II to share more on “Looking for Something More,” where she delves more into the ‘Ladder of Soul Success and Pleasure’ with the fourth and five rungs of the ladder, the importance of gratitude, the difference between intuition (soul) and impulsiveness, and how to help your light to shine and give your children’s soul a chance to expand.


About the Host:

Dr. Judith Holder’s passion is empowering people to be their best selves! Dr. Holder is the founder and executive director of Unique Pathways™ (www.uniquepathwayscoaching.com). She is a leadership coach-psychologist, facilitator, consultant, and author.

Our paths are filled with many adventures in which Judith believes can be seen as growth opportunities, even during challenging times. She likes to think about, discover, and discuss personal and professional life’s circumstances as you journey through life, through the lens of Christian values, Buddhist precepts, Ascended Master teachings and Esoteric Principles to gain greater clarity and mastery in daily living. 

Dr. Holder is the author of Mastering Life’s Adventures: On the Beam – Essential Insights for Growth and Self-Mastery, and an e-book, Opening Up to Your Divinity: Practical Strategies and Practices for Soul Growth

On a personal note, Dr. Holder sees herself as a perpetual student/seeker learning from her everyday adventures, which she considers as a part her ongoing growth and evolution of her SOUL. The fun part is we are all walking similar journeys together!

Judith enjoys spending time with family, vacationing at beaches and mountains sides, reading, walking, partaking in mindfulness practices, and is a certified yoga instructor.


Dr. Holder’s books on Mastering Life’s Adventures: On the Beam and Opening Up to Your Divinity: Practical Strategies and Practices for Soul Growth can be found at -



Mastering Life’s Adventures “How to” Downloadable Courses at www.uniquepathwayscoaching.com under the Tab “Offerings”

  • Course 1: Mastering Life’s Adventures mini-course
  • Course 2: Opening Up to Your Divinity mini-course


Learn more about “Mental Fitness for Busy People”, at www.uniquepathwayscoaching.com under the Tab, “Offerings”


You can also check out Dr. Holder’s at

LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/judith-c-holder-phd-ms-pcc-bcc-a1a4a57/

Executive and Leadership Coaching website: www.uniquepathwayscoaching.com

Speaking Engagements (for Women New to Leading): www.drjudithholder.com


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Dr. Judith Holder:

Welcome to Mastering life's adventures, an educational podcast about tapping into your true self, the soul, your soul, the substance of your life, to discover what life's ups and downs are really about, and how to have a greater sense of purpose, peace, joy, and fulfillment. I'm Dr. Judith holder and your host, Coach psychologist Delos seeker, he enjoys diving into the connections between spirituality, psychology, wellness, and your everyday life's adventures. All comparing and polishing you like the fast is a magnificent diamond to be your best self. If you're craving more from your life, you are in the right place. Come let's journey together and transforming what you know, and to who you really are mastering Life's adventures begins now.

Dr. Judith Holder:

Hi, I'm back. I'm here with Bracha. And this is part two. And I love the conversation that we had in part one, I really invite you to go to part one and listen to this, because it's a really moving move forward with this ladder that she's talking about. And her the Wisdom Teachings that she's gained, that I think is very intriguing and very helpful and ties very nicely into understanding the soul evolution, and why it is important to have this attunement that she's talking about in this segment, we are talking about searching in all the wrong places for something more Bracha once you continue.

Bracha Goetz:

Okay, great. So in part one I talked about that there is five levels to the human soul and five levels of pleasure, which correspond to our five fingers because we could bring this pleasure into our lives at any time. So the first two levels are the the net, the natural, physical pleasures in this world that we can enjoy with our senses. All of this was designed by God for our joy, like, I love to give the example of an orange because you know, an orange, when you just think that it's designed it, it's green, or the fruit or green, they're camouflaged in with the leaves. And they only become bright and beautiful. When they're ready. They call to us with their beautiful bright colors, we're ready, this is what they're doing so and then like think about an orange, it's got a peel around it, it keeps the sweet juiciness in for months, individually packaged everyone. And then when you finish it, you're left with the seeds. So God designed these seeds to be there, they have infinite wisdom in them. They become trees, endless trees, endless oranges, all of this we can enjoy in mind for gratitude. We don't have to think about all of that when we're eating an orange. But when we do it uplifts our body and our soul with so much gratitude when we mindfully experience it and understand with gratitude how much infinite loving kindness and wisdom was put into something as simple as an orange. And you can compare that to an orange flavored tangy taffy, which even the wrapper pollutes the environment. It doesn't do anything good for us. It's it's designed with greed, not with loving kindness, not to help us. And like the difference between these food that was created by the Almighty. This is food that is delicious, and nutritious. And, and the junk stuff that isn't even really food. It's it's delicious. And addictive. So it's like a totally different kind of substance.

Dr. Judith Holder:

And sometimes even empty calories, empty calories

Bracha Goetz:

and even deleterious, even harmful, harmful stuff in it for us. They take out the fiber, the water, the nutrients, they put it they pack in the salt, the sugar and the fat that are not ever found in nature and those amounts

Dr. Judith Holder:

have been has an impact on sorry about that. Yes. But it also has an impact on mental well being. Yes. This chemical imbalance that we talk about because we have so much sugar that's in us and not enough nutrition that the body is you don't give the body enough to work with to help us to have that stability, or that that balance within our mind body and soul.

Bracha Goetz:

Exactly it that's why addictions are so widespread we are we're you know, we're being programmed to live in a very imbalanced way in that way. From childhood on children, so many commercials about eating this junk instead of the real food. And, yeah, that's why my children's books are aimed at the opposite with children to try to get them to understand what how to live a healthy life early on. So that's it's the physical pleasures are the lowest level of pleasure, but they uplift us physically and spiritually, then comes love focusing on the virtues of another, taking us out of our own self, to think about someone else. And when we do this, when we are in a state of addiction, the bottom part of our brain is saying help, I need this right away, give me the food, stuff it in, right away, when we start thinking outside of ourselves, like you say, out of the ego, think of another person what you appreciate about someone, then the neurons start going up into the prefrontal cortex. And we start thinking differently. And then it's taking the neurons away from firing back here. So we're not in that hyper state of I need to keep eating right now. And we can more calmly, experience things with gratitude, like something natural, or another being another person, we come out of our own selves. And the third level is meaning doing something good and meaningful in the world. And now I'm going to go up to the fourth level, the high, I mean, the second highest level, Is it surprising to me when I learned about it is creativity. This is when you put a unique part of yourself into the world. When you're in that state of creativity, you don't feel like eating or sleeping, you're on such a high. It's like this special zone. And you'll notice, in each of these, like you were saying, You are emulating the Creator more and more closely as you go up the ladder, with all the physical amazing things that God created, the beings, the other beings in this world, doing something meaningful for your community, and creativity. That's, you know, what, what God is all that and you have that in you, each person has unique ways to give to the world. So that is the second highest level of joy, and even more lasting pleasure. What's on the highest level. It's called transcendence. It's the state of oneness. It is when, like you were describing, we transcend our own limitations, we make that first crack in a bad habit, to do something differently, we begin to break out of our challenges and do something good with what's happened to us. It's also when, like, under a starry starry sky at night, when you know you're a part of the greater universe, and that stays with you forever. That sense of being a part of something greater. It's, it's when the veils of separation are lifted between us and everything outside of us, between us and everybody, and everything. And between source energy, we, the flow is we we become aware of that flow that is always happening between us and source energy. And that's flowing amongst all of us, you know, as we we give to the vegetation the vegetation gives to us, it's a constant thing. But that awareness just fills us with. It's a state of awe and wonder, a tremendous sense of gratitude. And I read in Psychology Today recently that scientists noted that the state of awe and wonder, create the most chemicals in the body to fight off infections. So there it is, like it like you were saying it unites both our body and our soul in the greatest state of health.

Dr. Judith Holder:

Wow, that is, I can see that so much. Because when you're moving with the soul through these different stages that you're talking about, just kind of looking at that, in itself, you're actually have moved for the soul loves creativity, is through creativity, because it means the creativity comes from a greater source, not just a sole source, but a greater source. And it's in attunement with that greater source. And so it's delighted, it's happy. And so that's why you have that greatest sense of contentment. You have this energy that you were talking about, they just like you can keep on going because you have so much great energy. It's not a manic depressive type of energy or mania, but it's more of a true, true pristine beauty of energy. that is flowing through you, and you're using it to create something in the world that brings glory to God, not to God and the highest is what we're really actually wanting to be able to do. Which is entirely different path than the path of the ego, the all about me. Right? Right. Like you're saying those three level law orders, you know, it's all about me, it's all about recognition is all about when I can get, it's all about just being able to say, you know, I did a great job. That's entirely different when you're talking about these other levels. And as you're moving into this creativity is like, God, guide me, help me to be my best that I can bring something into the world that honors not only you, but as of service to you and what you want to happen into the world this day. So does Riccar, as you mentioned, mentioned a little bit earlier, some degrees of reflection time, or meditation time, or stillness time, which I talked about stillness as the stay in tune in light and love. So you're staying in tune to a vibration that's higher, that allows you to have that continue to flow, that flow is a greater sense of wholeness,

Bracha Goetz:

beautiful, beautifully, beautifully expressed. And I want to say, the lower levels are also so filled with connection to God, this is just an even more awareness of God. Because I what I also forgot to say is that the price to pay to to get on any rung of the pleasure ladder is the same price. And that's gratitude. Gratitude is what gets us to each rung gratitude. When we are feeling gratitude. That's how we get out of our ego. Because we're recognizing it's all coming from source. Yes, that changes everything. And like you said, the flow they create you don't get your gunk, you don't get a swelled head, when you're creative. When you're when you're because you're recognizing that it's just flowing through you. You are blessed to be a channel for this infinitely creative energy.

Dr. Judith Holder:

Yes. And that's where we're saying we want to be in embodiment. More like God. Yes, yes. embodiment in our uniqueness that we are giving. We're like a diamond. And we're buffing up our facet of that diamond that shows God's uniqueness through us.

Bracha Goetz:

Yes, exactly. And I don't want to make it sound like I'm always on this pleasure matter. Like, because for sure, we all have egos in this world. And there's an expression the minute you start patting yourself on the back, but you don't have your hand to catch you when you fall. Because you can afford the next minute you know, it's bound to happen. That's, those are the challenges that God is sending our way. Oh, you feeling so great about yourself, you forgot about where the all this is coming from boom, you know, it just happens. And it's all again, done with loving kindness, every one of those falls, you know, all those boo boos we get some nose so horribly painful. It's offering ultimate goodness, that's what changed in my understanding. Because before, with with eating disordered behavior, it's all a lot about control. I did not trust the world. I didn't trust myself. Once I began to learn, and trust that there actually was a God in the world. And that God was a part of me to flowing through me. It was a whole different world, you know. So then, when I was saying, like, it became like this. I used to say that you wake up to go to work to make money to buy fruit, what's the point and it became like this. I woke up, to go to work, to buy food to live another day. It's like, it's the same exact life, but it's transformed. Because now I see it all as a gift from God. Right? And

Dr. Judith Holder:

the word that came to my mind, I do all those things because it's to the glory of God. Yeah. And in the process of knowing that I'm glorifying God, that just tickled me. enjoyment to me, it just allows me to know that my purpose is far greater. I'm an instrument of God's purpose, you know in the earth and uniqueness comes in that creativity. Each person's creativity will be a new facet of that diamond that is being birthed. thought that Gods wants you to buff up. Exactly. Another piece that you made and mentioned is, is that sometimes we, we do get a lot of her pain and disappointment and skin, our knee and break our leg and, you know, feel as if life is totally against us. And we're not realizing that those experiences that we're having is really actually teaching us something. Yeah. Because God is helping us to see when we're off the path. And when we're on the path to moving towards his glory and his victories in our lives. And sometimes those experiences that we went through, he may have said, and you've heard people say this before, even I didn't like the experience. I actually, just, I mean, I felt despair about the experience that I went through. But now looking back, it made me who I am. Yeah, he made me a better person. It made me understand that this what I was doing someone else. Now I know how it feels. Yeah, that same experience, or I had this experience over here, and I realized I was in the wrong place. So told me not to go there. Yeah, but I went. So we're all learning to issues around obedience. We're all learning issues of trusting ourselves. We're all learning this as a discipline with ourselves. That guy has a complexity of reasons of why things happen to us. And just because we don't understand it doesn't mean that there's not some rationale behind it. A greater level that's happening, sometimes it really is not paying attention to one's intuition, and you end up which is not paying attention to the soul. And you end up just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Yes, so that's where that reflection time comes in that meditative time to say, show me guide me, help me be an achievement with your will, and doing the highest well, at all that I do.

Bracha Goetz:

Yes, and, and, and also to remember that what does a parent want for their child? A parent wants their child to experience the greatest pleasure possible in life. That's what the Almighty wants for all of us. It doesn't seem like it's sometimes. But that's what the ultimate parent wants. We were created for no other purpose than to experience the greatest pleasure here. And that's, that, to me was a huge revelation. And to recognize that our purpose for being here can really be succinctly summarized by a purpose being here to experience life in gratitude.

Dr. Judith Holder:

Yeah, it goes back with that statement that, I think is in the Bible. I have no other gods before me. Yes, yes, God says, I want you to say my prayers, I want you to know that I am the source by which you move, live and have your being your energy comes from me, and you have choice now living on planet Earth, how you want to spend that energy and use that energy, but no is still coming from God. And I give the analogy in one of my books on nationalised Adventures is about the fountain. And in this fountain, you have all these sprockets and waters flowing from a springs of water flowing from the fountain, and those breaks, are you your individual self is few brackets me is where all these breaks, but they're all coming from the same source? Yes. That's all coming from the same source, even though their uniqueness of those springs, a water coming out. But again, it's all coming from the same source.

Bracha Goetz:

Yes. And, and I want to say that, it's not like God needs the glory. We need to feel the gratitude. Otherwise, we get stuck in thinking this is it. And that's not a joyful place to be. It's for our own good to be able to feel that gratitude every single day. God the infinite, all knowing it does not need the glory. It's totally for us. It's time benefit.

Dr. Judith Holder:

Yeah, I agree with some of that. I agree with all of that. But what I think happens that I would add to that is is that the physical form that we have, which is made by God's glory, and the spirit by which we are kind of moving towards in the soul, said that when we experienced the glory of God, God experiences himself as glory. So in the physical form, it allows us to be able to have the glory. It's like a figure a flow going back and forth. Absolutely. God feels it. We feel it. God feels it. We're all one. Yes, we are one. We are one.

Bracha Goetz:

Yes, it gets that flow going beautifully. Exactly. That's it just exactly right. You It takes away the blockages takes away those blockages. Yes, yes, that's right. That's what week for he created our soul. No matter what neglect and trauma we've been through, our soul is resiliently shining all the time. But we put blockages over it, we had to as coping mechanisms we've been through painful times, I'm going to protect myself, I'm going to put this blockage. And when we put the blockage over that light, it doesn't feel like we're shining anymore. So that's why we need help for people like you to help us with support, therapeutic help remove the blockages. So we can, again, connect with that shining light within us. And that's my purpose to to help children's souls to shine. Give them the tools from the beginning of life. So they don't have to play catch up the rest of their lives, or we play catch up. And that's okay, too. You know, but but we can accomplish so much more with when we get this wisdom early on in life and learn the skills for how to live a joyful life.

Dr. Judith Holder:

Yeah, and your you know, your pleasure ladder is really wonderful and succinct, and it allows people to understand that, and also what you're talking about. You decided to say I wanted to write children's books. Tell us more about that.

Bracha Goetz:

Yeah, because I write the books that I wished I had, as a child, folks that explain deep concepts, and complex topics. I that's what I thank God was given the gift to do to explain things as simply as possible. And in a joyful way. The funny thing is, the books that I have about prevention of abuse are my most popular books of all, I think they were like 150,000 homes, and children will come up and say, Oh, I love those books. And that's not what I expected. I wrote the books that help protect children, but they find them joyful. They love having clear guidelines. So that's what I do with my books. There's books about swimming safely books, teaching about disabilities, I love. Because again, children with disabilities are the loneliest children, usually, they don't get invited to birthday parties, or play dates as much as other children. So I explained to children that are not as neurodiverse, how to interact effectively, how to be more inclusive. So that's important, like all these things that have to do with the body. And of course, let's stay healthy. Is my book about eating healthy for children, and the importance of exercise good hygiene and sleep. I love to explain to children why, because when I was at Harvard, even I took courses at the Graduate School of Public Health. This is what I love to explain in a public way. How to be healthy to children and why so and then I have spiritual books, like the invisible book, explaining that all the things we believe in, that are invisible. There's, there's the wind, there's our thoughts, there's our feelings, there's time, there's gravity, there's electromagnetism, how can a magnet pick up a paperclip? So it's not far fetched to believe that we too, you see the effects of all these invisible things, but you don't actually see them? We too. We are invisible beings. In essence, we're spiritual beings. And I make that more understandable to children. So that how

Dr. Judith Holder:

wonderful, how wonderful. We are spiritual beings having a physical existence. Yes. And as you're talking about the invisible books that you write, which are sound fascinating, you're also talking about the invisibility of the soul. Yes. And so it's in a different dimension, and your journey, and they're learning about this new dimension, a part of themselves, which most kids and most books don't really get into. So that's the uniqueness of your books, and then your ability to convey things in a simple but joyful way. Wow, that's a that's a powerhouse

Bracha Goetz:

it gave you. Thank you. I gotta tell you about one other book. This is so you is called don't read this book. It's the ego talking to us, and how to be aware of when the ego is talking versus your soul. So it tells you what the ego will tell you to do and how you can answer it and the more awareness you have, of these voices, which we all have in us, the more power you have to to live a joyful life. Yeah, actually

Dr. Judith Holder:

helping them to distinguish Yes,, and what is that

Bracha Goetz:

word? Distinguish? I gotta write that down. Yeah.

Dr. Judith Holder:

And that is excellent. Because just not children, adults need to distinguish between the eagle speaking versus the soul speaking, yes, there's a greater sensitivity and a greater lightness and a greater persistence as a soul will have. If we give it space, it will try to guide us. Yeah. But if we think it's, we just read it. It's like I'm in saying that sometimes our our soul speaks a different language, but we speak English. And we just say we're interpreting it as English. But the sole saying, No, that's not what I'm saying, Be quiet, listen, be unwilling to hear with the inner ear. What is it that I'm trying to say? And that takes practice. And that tapes, books like you're talking about to give people an indication of how to go about doing it, giving them a path. And that's how you get on the path to be have a greater sense of fulfillment, and anchor and truly your soul?

Bracha Goetz:

Exactly, exactly. I tell you that that book took me 30 years to write, I started it 30 years ago, not done. And through the years, I kept learning more that I could put into the book to last year, when I finally realized that voice inside our heads, this is the most amazing thing. It's like a pair of barbells, it actually doesn't want you to listen to it, it wants you to push it off. It wants you to succeed, because that voice too was put in there by God. It wants you to say, oh, now I'm not going to listen to and grow your gratitude muscles. So that was a new realization I've come to that I'm loving to share with children. And this is the thing like you were saying, Who reads children's books. It's the only kind of book it's read by every single age. The grandparents read it, the parents read the teachers, the children, and even teenagers when no one's looking, they get the messages in the books.

Dr. Judith Holder:

That's great, because it allows everyone to feed their soul. Yes, exact by them. I'm feeding a child's soul that yes, at the same time, beautiful. With which is what is so wonderfully needed for connection, as the parent or the grandparent or the odd or the brother or the sister is reading the book to the child. They also are divining having that line of connection and being able to say, Hmm, let me think more about that. Yes. And how does that show up in my life? Yes. And sometimes children are so much closer to God, that they get it like, immediately. Yeah, I understand that. But we're still pondering as we're now in our 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s. No, still pondering, what does that mean? to do is ask the child. So how did you get to get out of that? Yes, field with the child says, because there's pearls of wisdom, and what they get out of what's being read to them?

Bracha Goetz:

Exactly. They have that sense of awe and wonder that we lose, we gotta get it back. Exactly.

Dr. Judith Holder:

Right. Right. So I hear that they're your books and your 41 of them, it sounds like you're gonna get a 42. And so is actually kind of opening out a wealth of understanding, which is the wisdom that you wanted, when you were saying earlier in part one, yeah. And now you're giving that wisdom as your gift to the world. Yes, thank

Bracha Goetz:

God. So your

Dr. Judith Holder:

creativity is flourishing, and God is not working through you, and helping you to be able to know when it's right to put out that book, because now you still have a little bit more.

Bracha Goetz:

Yeah, so true. The book felt scary to me too scary for children. And then I could add that joyful understanding at the end, it changed the whole book. That's what I was waiting for. But I didn't have that understanding yet in my life, that's the evolution of the soul. Like you were saying, when I help children's souls to shine, it helps my own soul to shine. That's what happens exactly.

Dr. Judith Holder:

Thematically, there is this concept of the four assets, which is sacrifice, surrender, selflessness, and service. And so when we're willing to let go of our kind of preconceived notions, we sacrifice them, we let them go and we see something new by the reading that we're doing or by our own souls evolution, and then it needs to go through that we didn't see before when we can just surrender our thoughts or our feelings about how things should be yeah things how things are and try to engage in that that becomes very hard. For. And so each of these areas help us to move towards a greater sense of purposefulness, and meaningfulness and guiding us to be able to know that no one will know more let go that surrender, the more I let go of preconceived notions, the sacrifice, the more that I'm willing to be selfless, and know that that's what you're talking about in this pleasure ladder, the higher levels of that selflessness that you're able to give, and willing to give. It's not about you. It's about what is it that I can do? Yes, I'm going to keep myself healthy. And I'm going to keep the things connected around, then you connect it, but I don't feel the need that is passed to be, quote unquote, all about me. Yes. And then. So for that sub this service, the service, part of it is giving, giving every day in every way, what is one way or two ways I can get more that allows my soul to flourish, and allows other souls to flourish around me as well?

Bracha Goetz:

Exactly. It could be something as small as a smile, holding a door open for someone behind you, tiny things help your soul to shine more fully.

Dr. Judith Holder:

Yes. And one of the other aspects, too, is just saying thank you hear enough people saying, well, thank you for doing that.

Bracha Goetz:

Exactly. The less we take things, of course, of course, I should get this. And I say, change, of course, to looking to source looking to see the source, where is this gift that I'm getting? It's not of course, that sense of entitlement. I'm really not entitled to anything, every single thing I've got, it's an incredible gift. All the parts of my body that are working right now will be illnesses I don't have. There's infinite amount of things to be grateful for every person has every moment.

Dr. Judith Holder:

Yeah, it really does hit that nicely. What you're saying all throughout those five levels is gratitude and attitude of gratitude. Yeah, we need to continuously have and that brings us a greater sense of joy. Because we realize gratitude is just a wonderful quality. Yeah, be able to express and also Moses's quality of loving kindness, we have been kind, and also when we need to be we're being firm. And so the soul needs to also having discipline to. And so it becomes important for us to be aware of ourselves, when we're saying is this my soul? Is this my ego or this, my soul needs to live in obedience and being obedient, doing the things it needs to do, because the soul can be like a little child too. And it just wants what it wants when he wants it. But we have the governors of our soul. And so we're the ones who have to say, gratitude is important, but also discipline and being obedient and knowing that we need to do a certain thing because it is in the glory of God. Not just so not just moving, saying, Well, I don't feel like it's I'm not doing it. But you know, in our levels, that is the right thing to do.

Bracha Goetz:

It will, it will nourish your soul. That's what it does. That's how you know, you know how you could tell the difference between your intuition and being impulsive. Like they're both quick and clear. But the impulsive feelings are urgent. And the intuitive feelings are calm. They come with a sense of calmness. That's how we can distinguish between them. Also, something that you brought up when when bad things happen to us. And we like, why, how could God do this to me and stuff like that? If if the Almighty was understandable, completely understandable. What kind of an almighty is that? It's going to be way beyond us. You know what I mean? We we shouldn't be able to understand all the future things. I mean, in my own heritage, we had a holocaust, you know, 6 million of us were wiped out. How can we possibly see that as an infinitely loving God would allow a thing like that to happen? That's one of the biggest questions that we asked. It's not like, God allowed it to happen. I mean, it was done by people. I mean, yeah, but, but but the other things we don't even know. With all that cruelty that happened. There was there was still some good purpose to it. That's so hard to understand. But it's true. I mean, one of the beliefs that's coming out now is that people like me, were reincarnated from those peak those children that were lost during the Holocaust. Because actually, I started my diary when I was 12. Right after I finished reading The Diary of Anne Frank And I felt motivated, that's when it all opens up my world. And so it's like, who knows? Why did I feel this unquenchable thirst for more wisdom in life, I don't even know where it came from. It could have been, I'm a reincarnation from back that we, we have no idea. God is an unknowable in so many ways. But the knowable parts are when we see God's love and kindness right in front of us. So whenever we're feeling unworthy, because of criticism from childhood or trauma, whatever person's been through it, it builds up our sense of worthiness, the more we practice gratitude exercises, because then we are experiencing the gifts we are, we are nourishing ourselves with this loving kindness, with an awareness of it. And we feel loved, we are letting that into our life. When we open up to that, that builds our sense of worthiness, I'm a person who's worthy of enjoying this amazing orange that was given to me. We, we and then we start opening our eyes to all the different gifts, which, when we're feeling unworthy, we don't even recognize that we have in our lives.

Dr. Judith Holder:

Yeah, that's, you know, I was reflecting on what you were just saying about worthiness. And, and it's true, all that you're saying. And a part of that is to, we can also ask on God, I am worthy, me worthy, or still, God, I am worthy, Make me worthy, or still, we ask God to kind of infill and help you with those traumas, or difficulties or challenges or whatever, that we don't have to do it all by ourselves. And that's where there's something more comes in, that something more is asking, inviting God's presence in your life, asking the angels presence in your life, and that you also talked about reincarnation, which some believe some do not believe, but I am the proponent that believe in reincarnation, and that there are cycles within cycles within cycles that we've lived before, and many different experiences, and in different cultures, and different races and ethnicities, right? And that God is kind of helping us to learn a greater aspect of who we are, and not get tied down to just this physical form. And it's my life to live. And that's it. But alkalize, and God sees the grander scheme of things and the infinity of why we're going through certain experiences. That's why we can trust that something coming our way. We are going to learn something from it. And what God looks at is like, how are you going to react? How are you going to give glory to God and not get angry at God for what has happened to you? Which then cuts that tie those that pleasure ladder that you were talking about? It? Yes, that like scissors, because you say I'm not going to be angry? I get a god as opposed to God show me. You know, what, why is this coming in my world? Show me what I need to learn from this guide me and how I can have more joy, even in this experience of which I'm going through right now.

Bracha Goetz:

Yes, yes. Beautiful. Yeah. Like you were saying, we were in separate bodies. We could have been, I could have been in your body, you could have been in my bath and another lifetime. Like what are the things that we're all souls and the souls don't have barriers between them were really like, one huge soul, all connected to God's energy. So that's what helps us to be able, like right now you and I to resonate so deeply, because our souls are, are just flowing with each other.

Dr. Judith Holder:

Exactly. In which you're hitting the nail on the head. It's like, how do we get past what the society wants us? This be a separate test? Yes, separate bodies, separate races, separate ethnicity, separate nationalities. But in actuality, in the grand scheme of things, that's my God, how God the soul season? Yes.

Bracha Goetz:

Yes. We're all like, an infinite amount of colors. We're all like this incredible rainbow of colors that are all needed to reflect the most beautiful light all together. Yeah,

Dr. Judith Holder:

yes. And that is the spiritual path. And those colors are pure colors that are reflecting the rainbow ray of God's energy that sometimes gets misused in many regards, and in what God is saying, step back into who you really are. And the path that you're on are following your soul path is giving you certain experiences to keep you focused on what really matters. Yeah, which is your soul evolution. And is that matter of pleasure that you're talking about in transit? And then someone sell on up to that fifth level of transcendence. And that's what, that's what we're all about. Like, that's what we're all about. That's what's you. So in this in this conversation, I was searching in all the wrong places, or something more, any final concluding remarks or thoughts or wisdom that you want to leave with our seekers?

Bracha Goetz:

Yeah. Is imagine a man on a rooftop about to jump off. And a lady sees him from across the way and she goes, down, jump, whatever you do. And she says, I'm sure your life is so filled with problems. You must be in terrible pain right now. What if in addition to all your problems? What if you were blind? Also? And what if you were just now given the gift of sight? Would you still jump off? You said, No, of course not. She said, while you have been blind, you will now have the gift of sight. recognize there are so many blessings in your life right now. Despite all the pain, there is so much you can still be thankful for. That's every single one of us. We have all felt that. And we can all open our eyes so much more to just experience so much more gratitude, and joy in our lives.

Dr. Judith Holder:

Wow. That's a great, that's a great again, visualization I can I can see what you're talking about. And yes. And sometimes we are placed in people's lives, to be able to have them have greater insight, you know, of individuals. So we don't, it's not a coincidence that we kind of meet people or whatever, some networking of God doing something that's to try to guide us and also bring greater pleasure and joy and happiness into people's lives. Yes,

Bracha Goetz:


Dr. Judith Holder:

Wow, this has been a great conversation and discussion that we've been having. And I really truly am Thank you Bracha for coming on in this segment of Real Life Adventures. And you know what? I'll let you make the concluding quote or statement and then we'll in from for now,

Bracha Goetz:

okay, sure. I mean, well, our sages teach us who is rich? What's real well, who is rich those who are joyful with what they have. That's real wealth in life. It wasn't up there at that garden party at Harvard. Now, this is real wealth, living a life with gratitude.

Dr. Judith Holder:

Great, well, seekers, please listen to part one. This has been great in part two, searching in all the wrong places sometimes for something more. And once we find that more, which is our soul. We now are on the path of a spiritual quest to greater goodness, wholeness and completeness. Take care. Bye for now.