Episode 20

REEL Life Adventures in Movies: Frodo’s Mission Can Have Similarities to Your Soul’s Mission – Part I with Guest Christi Anne Holder, LMBT | EP 020

Dr. Judith has a special guest, a movie buff, a connoisseur of movies, Christi Holder, LMBT, who gives commentary on Lord of the Rings, which I have seen parts of, but she has seen the trilogy, which many of you may have as well. As she talks about the character Frodo, I give thoughts about the Soul testing, opportunities, growth, and his mission. The movie is based on Tolkien’s masterful work.


Stay tuned for Part II of the discussion released on January 4, 2023!

About the Guest:

Christi-Anne Holder, LMT, is the owner of Health Solutions Medical & Sports Massage in Apex, North Carolina. For 25-plus years, her passion is to support her clients in achieving optimal health and well-being through ease of motion and pain reduction. She specializes in Medical, Neuromuscular, Deep Tissue, Sports, Myofascial Release, Trigger Point, and Lymphatic Drainage Massage.

Ms. Holder is a graduate of The Swedish Institute of Massage Therapy in Manhattan, New York. She holds certifications in medical, neuromuscular, sports and lymphatic drainage therapies. Ms. Holder is licensed in both North Carolina and New York.

Christi-Anne's hobbies are cooking, holistic baking, reading, and watching good movies!



About the Host:

Dr. Judith Holder’s passion is empowering people to be their best selves! Dr. Holder is the founder and executive director of Unique Pathways™ (www.uniquepathwayscoaching.com). She is a leadership coach-psychologist, facilitator, consultant, and author.

Our paths are filled with many adventures in which Judith believes can be seen as growth opportunities, even during challenging times. She likes to think about, discover, and discuss personal and professional life’s circumstances as you journey through life, through the lens of Christian values, Buddhist precepts, Ascended Master teachings and Esoteric Principles to gain greater clarity and mastery in daily living. 

Dr. Holder is the author of Mastering Life’s Adventures: On the Beam – Essential Insights for Growth and Self-Mastery, and an e-book, Opening Up to Your Divinity: Practical Strategies and Practices for Soul Growth

On a personal note, Dr. Holder sees herself as a perpetual student/seeker learning from her everyday adventures, which she considers as a part her ongoing growth and evolution of her SOUL. The fun part is we are all walking similar journeys together!

Judith enjoys spending time with family, vacationing at beaches and mountains sides, reading, walking, partaking in mindfulness practices, and is a certified yoga instructor.


Dr. Holder’s books on Mastering Life’s Adventures: On the Beam and Opening Up to Your Divinity: Practical Strategies and Practices for Soul Growth can be found at -



Mastering Life’s Adventures “How to” Downloadable Courses at www.uniquepathwayscoaching.com under the Tab “Offerings”

  • Course 1: Mastering Life’s Adventures mini-course
  • Course 2: Opening Up to Your Divinity mini-course


Learn more about “Mental Fitness for Busy People”, at www.uniquepathwayscoaching.com under the Tab, “Offerings”


You can also check out Dr. Holder’s at

LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/judith-c-holder-phd-ms-pcc-bcc-a1a4a57/

Executive and Leadership Coaching website: www.uniquepathwayscoaching.com

Speaking Engagements (for Women New to Leading): www.drjudithholder.com


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Dr. Judith Holder:

Welcome to Mastering life's adventures, an educational podcast about tapping into your true self, the soul, your soul, the substance of your life, to discover what life's ups and downs are really about, and how to have a greater sense of purpose, peace, joy, and fulfillment. I am Dr. Judith holder and your host, Coach psychologist Delos seeker, he enjoys diving into the connections between spirituality, psychology, wellness, and your everyday life adventures. All comparing and polishing you like the fast is a magnificent diamond to be your best sound. If you're craving more from your life, you are in the right place. Come let's journey together and transforming what you know. And to who you really are Mastering life's adventures begins now.

Dr. Judith Holder:

I am back. This is mastering life's adventures. And I'm so grateful for your listing of my podcast. And today, I wanted to focus on and talk a little bit about a special area that we don't necessarily look at it from a spiritual evolutionary perspective. And that is movies, and how movies have a great interplay with our understanding of the soul evolution and what his needs are in the midst of some of the context and experiences to soul goes through. And so what we're going to be talking about today, with Christi Anne holder, I want to talk about the Lord of the Rings. And specifically with Frodo. And as you know, Tolkien is a prolific writer. And he looked, he's the person who wrote lords of the brain. And it's a storyline. And it has these different soul evolutions and that storyline that I was intrigued about, and ask Christi to come forth and talk about with us. And the Lord of the Rings is trilogy, as you probably well know, many know that. And so there's really complexities within this. And even the complexity of the developing of languages that I'm token developed are the elves, the doors, the orcs, and the trees, etc. And that languages that develop and also from that, it's like these different tribes, these different societies, and then within the world, the underworld, and the Middle World. And so it's very, very interesting. I thought this would be a great conversation, just to talk about Frodo first, and then we have opportunity to talk about some of the other characters that Tolkien developed. So tell me about Frodo, and we're looking at it is from the standpoint of how he kind of evolved through the story and what his sole mission is, and those supportive people around supporting people around him and their significance.

Christi-Anne Holder:

Well, Versa, Frodo was a very complex character in the sense that he loved it, too. He was almost like a childlike character in the beginning of the first book, in the sense that he loved to read, he loved his family, he loved his friends. And he loved where he lived. I mean, he had a very quiet, very peaceful light in the Shire, and which is like a village, which is a village. And he lived with his uncle, which was a beautiful thing, in a sense that they had a good report. He also enjoyed having conversations with Gandel. He always waited for him as well to come to the village. And then here's Sam, who is also his best friend. Okay,

Dr. Judith Holder:

that's, that's great. And in terms of understand the relationships that were going on, and with Frodo, and as he move forward in his life, and then found that ring

Christi-Anne Holder:

the thing is, he didn't find his uncle. Okay. And his uncle had pulled the ring out when Gandalf K. Gandalf realized what the ring was. And who's Gandalf Gandalf is is is he's he's a little bit Gandalf was considered Gandalf the Grey, which was a wizard of such or spiritual, I would say more of a spiritual a guide a guide both for those in the Shire, but specifically, what program Okay, okay, so They had to get the ring out of the Shire because it's been more his uncle has worn it. That's what had extended to July. And Gandalf realize after he sold the ring, why bow photos uncle was living so long realizing this, he decides you have to get the ring out of the Shire. So he gives the ring

Dr. Judith Holder:

bind when he made it out of the shop,

Christi-Anne Holder:

because the ring has been worn Yeah. And the eye, which is Sauron knows where it is that he wants the ring ring back ring is considered power, the real power controls all sees all nosal. And since the Shire is such a pristine or such a light area, if they didn't get the ring out of there, then the whole place we go down, they would lose that lightness. So that was that Job was given to Frodo to do, which was a heavy, very heavy item to carry, due to the fact that every time you were to bring that I will pinpoint you and know where you are, know what you're thinking, know what you're doing, know where you're going.

Dr. Judith Holder:

And it's in this particular case that I was kind of the darkness the darkness, yeah, who wants to hear and I'm gonna block the lightness individuals or within the Shire community or

Christi-Anne Holder:

That's correct. Or, or the individuals themselves to. It's not the Shire, it was just an add on. Basically, he was showing how the darkness could actually take over a person which made Frodo because he happened to be there. You know, it was in his house or his uncle's house. And he, the thing is, is Gandalf could not touch the ring, because by touching the brain because Gandalf is an elder, or elderly person who has more darkness in them. And Frodo didn't that the Thai photo was was a pristine spirit.

Dr. Judith Holder:

So what we're saying then, is that Frodo represents the soul and its purity. Because you talked about his kindness and his generosity and has been within the community, good for everyone within that community. But he was in a family that he had an uncle who had a brain had the ring, and told all about it. Right. But I guess the question is, is that the ring was okay for his uncle to wear?

Christi-Anne Holder:

No, his uncle is changing. He's about to lose his uncle to was changing. And that's why when Gandalf took the ring, his his uncle, surprised everybody, because you the darkness, just like bursting out of it. It's like, that's mine. What are you doing with it? Give it back. Okay. And Gandalf really happens? put his foot down, was it stop? This is not yours. It has to get out of here. And then you could see him change back into so then become making mild again and saying, oh, okay, I'm sorry.

Dr. Judith Holder:

So once he was taped, the Ring Ring Ring was taken off. That's when he started to change back to his true to herself, don't sell, as opposed to think about this situation that we are all have to be aware of. And that is by the choices and decisions that we make. We are choosing light, or we are choosing some level of darkness, and not even being aware of the fact by the negativity, of resentment, anger, bitterness, frustrations, even irritability. These are kind of their own little shades of darkness. Oh, we can shine we can choose kindness, goodness, willingness to help other individuals serve sacrifice selflessness in that moving the path of light so we can have a path of darkness or a path of light. And so what you're saying is Frodo was really on the path of light of lightness. And then he had this mission. And that was just kind of poured upon him and the mission was to being able to get the ring out of the Shire

Christi-Anne Holder:

the ring Yes, the ring had to be taken back to where it was originally towards and which was a long way from the Shire, along with that thing is it wasn't explained to him or nobody. I don't think anybody actually knew how heavy and how darkness ring there was. And as he's taking the ring, he's listening. Sam the warehouse, Sam comes into picture.

Dr. Judith Holder:

You can see tramp, the Sam was on his friend, right. So we go Gandalf,

Christi-Anne Holder:

Gandalf, charged, Sam, to go with him, protect him. Don't let him out of your sight. Because Gandalf understands how heavy this ring is, then he knows that Frodo is going to need some assistance to get that ring to where it needs to be catered that

Dr. Judith Holder:

is so common to what sometimes we have and you know, on our mission and living of life, we have people along the way that support us or guide us or try to help us and they come into our lives and sometimes your best friends, or sometimes their acquaintances that happen but it's all for the soul that illusion that soul and dance man. Because the higher level the source of who we are I Am Presence, you know, knows that we're going to need some help. You know, at certain junctures, as we're moving with our mission, whether we're aware that means mission or not, but that the soul or the nd I Am Presence of the sole source knows there are certain things you need to do. And whether you're aware of or not, the support is trying to be given. Would that be similar to what's going on with?

Christi-Anne Holder:

Yeah, I think Gandalf represents the soul not okay, in the sense of guiding Frodo, to where he needs to be, he charges him and tells him what he needs to do. That he goes away and then comes back. So Gandalf in our rooms, like our mission, as is to think it was like the guardian angel. Exactly right. He tells you all of that, you need to take this, take them into the apps, they also know what to do with it. Okay. So Frodo takes the ring, he and Sam and two others take the ring. And now on the way as it taken

Dr. Judith Holder:

away, you know, what that brings to notion to is that you had you said there was actually foreign fortune supporting Frodo, three, three, and Frodo as a four Yeah, that was supporting him in that process. Each Other may represent something that may those three, maybe then the emotional part of ourselves, and maybe related to the mental parts of ourselves, and it may be related to the physical.

Christi-Anne Holder:

Yes, exactly. Because one always wants to eat. One was the thinker, knowing what to do. And then one was the protector. And then there was broke,

Dr. Judith Holder:

okay. So

Christi-Anne Holder:

that you have the you are correct, that the mental, the physical, and the spiritual and emotional and emotional. So

Dr. Judith Holder:

it took for the represented the spiritual, spiritual quest and spiritual direction that things needed to, he needed to move it

Christi-Anne Holder:

exactly right. The thing is, is that as they're moving along, and going to places, it's like, don't tell anybody what we're doing. But there is one who is constantly talking, they go get off, tell them I will meet you at this particular place, but at the end of when they get their candle out there. So there is a bar, so it's like, okay, we'll have a pint. Okay, we'll have a we'll wait. We'll wait for him here. He told us the way it's raining. So anyway, the thing is, the visible talks. So he's telling everybody what they're doing, or telling them about product. Okay, instead of keeping photo on the low key. All of a sudden, it starts up. It makes everybody angry, because they have totaled, one has a rain and the storms have applied breaks out. And everybody's looking at photo and photo sees everybody. So all of a sudden, he pulls the sub, he pulls the ring out of his pocket.

Dr. Judith Holder:

And then once you're racing by him, pulled it out his pocket,

Christi-Anne Holder:

because he was scared. He wanted to make sure it was there. He's checking And he trips. So it goes up in the air. And as it comes down, we try to catch it. And that's the first time the brain goes on. And it disappears. And then everybody where does he go? What do you know? So instead of nano, that's also the first time that I bind. And now that I know

Dr. Judith Holder:

which they want

Christi-Anne Holder:

inside, which they want. So sarin, which is the eye since out. There's a lot of there's a lot of Sarah sends out his minions after the ring. Now the after Frodo, so now there's a chase for him. Okay, all right. Which is, which is the darkness?

Dr. Judith Holder:

Yeah, right, in wanting that, and rain, because it will give them more power. And that's what they're after power and control. Right, basically. And then the other piece that I was thinking about when you're talking about the, one of his friends chatting it up. So just be I think that too, is part of the physical and also part of the mental, you know, it's having that check, I can see all the mental, the emotional, and the mental, the emotional, and the physical, because and what each one time predominates at certain points of time within ourselves, within these individual characters, they predominate as well. So yeah, the physical wanting certain types of activity to go on. And then you have the chattering, that sentimental activity, because he's nervous, maybe that can go on and on, you know, you know, the characters better?

Christi-Anne Holder:

Well, it was I don't think it was so much that he was nervous is that he wanted to be recognized.

Dr. Judith Holder:

Yeah, and that's one thing I talked about, in one of the podcasts about this need for recognition is also the need of the ego. To look at me, and, you know, look how great I am.

Christi-Anne Holder:

Oh, my friend is right over there. That's proto, the this, you know, he's this and that, and whatever. Okay, which makes everybody bipolar the amount it makes prolong, they're scared, because he knows he has this array in his pocket. And everybody who knows, is going to come after him because the ring brings out the worst in those around him. He is using his shield, or his is his causal body that's shielding the ring from everybody else. Otherwise,

Dr. Judith Holder:

our mind is like, it's like, it's like here it

Christi-Anne Holder:

is, like shield is shielding the evilness so that it doesn't affect the people around him. But it's soaking into him. As it goes on, you can see how that ring, even if it doesn't go this finger is sucking is like right.

Dr. Judith Holder:

Okay, so how does that missile that gets us into the soul? And what happens in our daily experiences, and how that our desires, and we have to really be aware of and whether there are desires that are uplifting or desires that are pulling us down? Oh, our wants? Is how I'm thinking about that. And would that be accurate? Or would you say it differently?

Christi-Anne Holder:

His desire is to accomplish his mission. This what

Dr. Judith Holder:

you're talking about the ring though when he puts out the verse in him, right, the roots of darkness. So that's the desires that can be dark within us to yes, that we have. So the things that we're able to have more mastery around. If we're having more likeness in us, it's easier to control. But then when we have maybe desires which is this ring representing

Christi-Anne Holder:

what the what happened was when the wound ring on this finger, time it opened the door. Okay, pardon Sima. It opened the door. And now everything door of darkness darkness within him. So now every time equals that ring out, just look at it. The rainstorm says top door is whispering to him because the door has been open and that's what happens to everybody who gets the ring. This is why there are those who don't want them. They don't want that heaviness the member. Okay. He says if you want it because he offered it to a lot of different people. When they took it to the Alps, they have He, He says, you know, you can have it, I'll give it to you. She and all of a sudden, she blooms up. And you see how she changes, and how the darkness within her because she's all light, all of a sudden she turned dark, just the mention of handing her the ring. She said, would you have an elfin queen, I can be a god, I can do this, I could be that. And then she says no. Because that will if she chose to, she loses not only herself, but she loses her community goes down with her, because she is over the community, and she has the most amount of life. So she is tempted. And then she she kind of says, Well, I pass that test. I didn't take that. Thank you. And that's, that's what she said Spoto Foley says, I don't know if I can carry this. She says you must, because this is your task. If you don't, everybody around you, not only you, but some of everybody around you.

Dr. Judith Holder:

It means that they and we all have certain brother, we are aware of it or not certain missions that we are tasked to be able to do. And we need to be aware that maybe the packer on, especially if it's something that is of light of help giving of goodness to other individuals, even though it may be Wadey type of mission that we have, but look at Mother Teresa, you know, she had the mission of giving back to the underserved communities, and to be able to give them care and nurturing and love and feeding their physical forms and also helping them you know, in, in their illnesses. And that was probably a heavy mission. But she did it for decades, and was able to achieve great goodness. And so if she didn't do that mission, who would have, you know, it's like we all have a mission, whether we are aware of or we all know a piece of it. And we also have to be reminded of the mission again, and again and again, that this is something you need to do. You may not know why and whatever. But this is if it's helpful and helpful to humanity, and it's uplifting in some ways that you know, it's adding value to the greater goodness in the world.

Christi-Anne Holder:

So as as, as the movie goes on, and the different walks, you see how Barolo begins to change. He's He's, he's doing his best is getting the job done, is moving forward. But he's slowly now you can see I'm getting tired, you can see him that his his base is becoming got. He loses his appetite. He doesn't want to eat, he doesn't want to drink just wants to keep moving. And it gets it gets heavier and heavier. Get into the last book of where he must take the ring. He gets it, they're

Dr. Judith Holder:

pumped. So let's hold that for a minute. And Let's ditch them. Because you're saying kind of the how this way that one carries can be burdensome. And the chart didn't have these changes happening within them. Do you think he was aware that these changes were happening he was getting slower, and he's he was

Christi-Anne Holder:

telling you so it's best for Instagram? You know, I don't know if I can do this. I don't know if I can do this. And so basically, when it comes to the end, when Frodo get what

Dr. Judith Holder:

I want to hold there, because I want to make that part to what you're talking about next kind of phase here. And so I want to just say that we're really talking about an issue of Frodo and his soul. And his always not being aware of all the mission or the direction that he needs to but he knows is something he has to do even in when he's saying no, I really don't want to can you do it? Can you do it? Can you do it? But he's realizing each person is saying no, this is what you need to do. And so he's doing it to the best of civility. And now what I want us to do is go into part two of this. So let us in for a minute here. And let's hear the rest of this. So thank you for this segment.