Episode 9

Laying the Foundation: Trust, Assumptions, and Soul Promptings | EP 009

Dr. Judith talks about trust, our assumptions, and convictions; and discerning when to “trust and confirm-verify”. She ties this into, in part, to the language of your Soul, like a newborn baby whose different cries are trying to communicate something to us. In cultivating a sensitivity to your Soul, we can hear the Soul’s prompting and positively act on those prompting(s).  She tells the story of having a cell phone speaker problem, which relates to trust and verify, and a phrase her mother used while growing up (Good, Better, Best), which drives home the point of what your Soul wants.

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About the Host:

Dr. Judith Holder’s passion is empowering people to be their best selves! Dr. Holder is the founder and executive director of Unique Pathways™ (www.uniquepathwayscoaching.com). She is a leadership coach-psychologist, facilitator, consultant, and author.

Our paths are filled with many adventures in which Judith believes can be seen as growth opportunities, even during challenging times. She likes to think about, discover, and discuss personal and professional life’s circumstances as you journey through life, through the lens of Christian values, Buddhist precepts, Ascended Master teachings and Esoteric Principles to gain greater clarity and mastery in daily living. 

Dr. Holder is the author of Mastering Life’s Adventures: On the Beam – Essential Insights for Growth and Self-Mastery, and an e-book, Opening Up to Your Divinity: Practical Strategies and Practices for Soul Growth

On a personal note, Dr. Holder sees herself as a perpetual student learning from her everyday adventures, which she considers as a part her ongoing growth and evolution of her SOUL. The fun part is we are all walking similar journeys together!

Judith enjoys spending time with family, vacationing at beaches and mountains sides, reading, walking, partaking in mindfulness practices, and is a certified yoga instructor.


Dr. Holder’s books on Mastering Life’s Adventures: On the Beam and Opening Up to Your Divinity: Practical Strategies and Practices for Soul Growth can be found at -



Mastering Life’s Adventures “How to” Downloadable Courses at www.uniquepathwayscoaching.com under the Tab “Offerings”

  • Course 1: Mastering Life’s Adventures mini-course
  • Course 2: Opening Up to Your Divinity mini-course


Learn more about “Mental Fitness for Busy People”, at www.uniquepathwayscoaching.com under the Tab, “Offerings”


You can also check out Dr. Holder’s at

LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/judith-c-holder-phd-ms-pcc-bcc-a1a4a57/

Executive and Leadership Coaching website: www.uniquepathwayscoaching.com

Speaking Engagements (for Women New to Leading): www.drjudithholder.com


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Dr. Judith Holder:

Welcome to Mastering life's adventures, an educational podcast about tapping into your true self, the soul, your soul, the substance of your life, to discover what life's ups and downs are really about, and how to have a greater sense of purpose, peace, joy, and fulfillment. I am Dr. Judith holder and your host, Coach psychologist Delos seeker, he enjoys diving into the connections between spirituality, psychology, wellness, and your everyday life's adventures. All comparing and polishing you like the fast is a magnificent diamond to be your best self. If you're craving more from your life, you are in the right place. Come let's journey together and transforming what you know. And to who you really are mastering mice adventures begins now.

Dr. Judith Holder:

Hi, it's good to be back and talking about this whole notion that there are universal laws that transcend man. And man's viewpoints. And knowing some of these universal laws are very, very important. And that's what I talked about in the last episode. And one of the things that I was thinking about, you know, in continuation of the laws, universal laws and how they provide border, and they provide our ability to be able to trust this particular order that we won't have planets colliding into each other, that we will have the seasons, wherever those seasons are in the different plant places of the earth. One, season two, season three season four seasons, we trust that, and it's pretty reliable. If you plant something, it usually grows if it's in good soil. So there's certain laws that exists also in the universe that we trust that will happen, whether we're aware of them, or we're not aware of them. And so one of the thoughts I had is with this, trusting of the laws of the universe, how's this that relate to the soul, and the soul needs, for order, a sense of security in our inner cell, as well as in our interactions with others as well. And I was thinking about the Johari Window, which I mentioned at some other episodes, but in the Johari Window, there is a piece that you know, and a piece that others know, and there's a piece that you know, but others don't know. And what I want to talk about is a piece that is unknown to you, but maybe known to others, but more importantly, the piece that you don't know and understand now. And that is where the soul comes in. So there may be sometimes you're not even aware of your soul but other see the soul essences of what's coming through you? Are there things that are taking place, that is a part of your soul need to have to take place and you're you're like dumbfounded. Why did that happen? Because maybe the soul needed that lesson. And in the grander scheme of things, is what the soul works on. And not just kind of the minute by minute, day by day type of experience, it's looking for a greater sense of expansion, for its you reunification with a source is God's source. So in this process of different kinds of trust that the soul is looking for you to have in his relationship to each other. It's like the trustful you remember. Or some of you may remember, you know, some of these trust building types of activities or the team building activities in which you have a person and you're blindfolded, and you fall back and the persons that are behind you're supposed to catch you. And do you trust that they will catch you? Are you you think I've no way they're gonna be able to catch me these individuals? I don't think so. So you don't you don't believe it, so you don't do it? Okay. So but there is the trust ball in which people do believe and they feel that they are caught. And they feel wow, that was a great experience, I had to let go of something in order for me to be able to trust that you will be able to truly catch me. And then you know, the other is a pen the tail on the donkey that occurred in childhood, or elementary school in which you were blindfolded. And then people were trying to direct you to take that pen and talent candidate on the tail of the donkey. And the person who was able to do it most accurately got a prize to be able to do that. And the teacher would give a prize. And so but you would have to trust what other people were saying to you and help them to direct you to pin that tail on the donkey. Now, with that being said, these are all forms in which we're trusting other people to be able to direct us in the right way. And so it's somewhat innate, that we want to be able to trust. It isn't innate desire and wanting to trust others. And also, to trust ourselves.

Dr. Judith Holder:

The soul needs, our conscious ability to know that is when you start getting a tune with your soul is prompting or trying to say, trust me, we need to go this way. So come on, when you're driving, and you have this prompting that says, Take this exit, this is the better exit to take. He said, I never take that exit. I'm so used to driving the highway, I'm going to go the highway, while you drive the highway, and guess what, you're in traffic, and the traffic is horrendous. You don't get to the office until 45 minutes later. And now you're running late, and you're frustrated with yourself. But if you trust it, and started to become more attuned to what that prompting was, and we start distinguishing our soul's promptings, then we're now working at a higher level with ourselves, because the soul does know more. And the inner self, the wise part of us knows more than what the human, the ego, as I talked about, the ego persona is aware of, and knows. But our soul can also be like a baby crying, crying for our attention, crying for us to trust it. A her soul is feminine. The source is that kind of the Alpha Omega, the omega is the soul is an embodiment and embodying within us. And the alpha is a spirit, the energy the source, so all of both, then there's a Tai Chi that flows with that source and that flow, you know, with it, to make it one and whole and complete. So you're going to hear me say, talk about the soul. And sometimes I won't use it in the feminine sense of the Omega, and with the soul is. So it's like a baby crying, as I was saying. And we need to know what is trying to say to us, that because we've had a deaf ear, we've had distractions, or we've had many other activities that are going on, that doesn't, and they may be purposeful activities that we need to engage in. But we don't have what I mentioned to you before stillness are still time. So our soul is like, in the desert, wanting water, wanting you to bring a cup of water, and to be recognized. Just as we want to be recognized in the world for the accomplishments that we do, or the good deeds that we do. We want other people to recognize us. But have you ever thought recognition first begins with us, recognizing the substance of our life, the substance, the sole substance that exists within us. And so sometimes, they'll may have a hungry cry, or an uncomfortable cry, or that is a wet cry, like a baby, or alarm and startled or restlessness. These are all emotional states that are going on for our soul that we don't think about, we only think about it for ourselves and our outer cell, our ego persona. But our soul, like a baby can also pout. And like teenagers, young adults, older adults compound, because not being heard, is not being recognized. And what we're on the quest, or the adventures around, is how we recognize ourselves, and how we recognize the voices of our soul and what it needs, and what excites our soul, our inner self, create brings peace, to who we are. So we have to be aware that just as we want to do the trust, follow other people, and we can try to trust other people. We also need to do the trust, fall with ourselves and trust the promptings and start to be learning of what our soul is trying to say to us, and how we need to continue to progress advance to life's adventures. And these adventures are all trying to teach us the language of our soul, and also trying to teach us the power of love, forgiveness, letting go of certain things that may have happened to us. Now I'm going to talk about trust in a different way too. And that trust also forms, whatever like to call of our ability to know when to trust, and when not to trust,

Dr. Judith Holder:

when to trust, and when not to trust. That's what our soul is looking for. So that it becomes more discerning, you become more discerning, there's certain things or certain situations that you make sure you're validating. That is true. taking it all in, and realizing maybe the assumption that was being made was not the right assumption. So I had a situation that happened to me, at a at a same a cell phone establishment had gotten a new phone. But I had no case. And but all case, not all, but it was the kind of an older case that I had not used. So it was still new. But I had taken my new phone and put it into the old case that I did have, and it fit perfect. I say, Well, this is great, how's it going? Another case, is related to trust. So then I, when I put my speaker on, he didn't work and went to the particular communication store and said, my phone doesn't work. They took it out of the case. And I looked at it and I cleaned it. And they try it again. My sister happened to be with me at the time, and add a call to her phone. And at work. I said, Great. Thank you so much. What did you do? And he still told me how it showed me how I did a reset on the phone and so forth. So I said, thank you very much. And so then I went outside the the brick and mortar building. And I said, let me just call one more time. This is my trust and my intuition, my soul. So let me just call, call you one more time talking to my sister. So I called her again. And she says, I can't hear you. I said you can't hear me. You heard me in this in the store. Why can't you hear me now? Because I know she does this, but I can't hear you. So we went back into the store. And we waited for the next available representative to attend to me. And he said, Okay, come up, you know, come to the their particular register area. And he says let me look at your phone again, to get out of the case and says we need to clean we can clean the the the areas that allow for you to be clear and speech. He a call my sister again. He says it's she says Yeah, I hear you is fine. Oh, I didn't tell you upon poor. So the first person this was the second person who did this. The first person said to me, when he gave me my phone back. You may want to get an A new case. I said, Oh, why I liked this case because of blah, blah, blah. He says Well, that's okay. Okay, I'm just you may want to. I said okay, so then let's go now, go move forward. And so the second guy who said, Yeah, is working and my sister Yeah, it's working. It's fine. He gives us the issue here is your case. He said, What do you mean? He says, The old case that you had, was redesigned for this new phone. So that where you have the ability to do speaker phone, as well as for other people to hear you are covered up. So the new design does not have that covered? These particular areas covered in your phone. I see wow. Oh, okay. That's it. So why didn't he appointed to the guy who was standing? You know, why did he say that? And why did he say I believe in serving and educating my clients, my customers. He said, My customers and the best way. So I'm gonna give you all the information that you need to know about how, what's maybe going on with your phone? I said, Wow. Okay. Because this The other thing you may do, instead of getting a whole new case, because your case is perfectly fine. Let's just use an exacto knife and cut those particular areas out that are hindering you need to be heard by speakerphone. I said, Wow, thank you so much. I really appreciate what you just shared with me. It even saved me money, because they were saying in this particular brick and mortar, you know, the case would be $39 and higher for me, which is you know, $39 Not that exorbitant amount, but anything that saves money, we're always like, correct. So let's save me money. So I'm going to do the exacto knife,

Dr. Judith Holder:

cut it out, and my citizen, I have an exacto knife, we can do that. And when we get, we get home. And because we were traveling where this brick and mortar place, so if we're traveling at the time, and I said that would be great. So the subject that I was making, and this is really an assumption is is that everyone gives the best service. And we know that's not necessarily the right assumption because people, some people get better service than others. But this also relates to the soul, and the sacred labor, labor of the soul. So we're also talking about the soul and the sacred labor, and the soul. And the soul wants to whatever we do, we do it our best. And this relates to being your best in the evolutionary in the soul evolution. So the first person, that assistant me, did a job. And maybe it was a good, you know, he gave me some additional information. And that was good. But the second line was being hit at his best, doing his best to give the highest and the most information. And sometimes, what we're realizing is, is that a person gives you information that you also verify. So you trust and you their fi, the information. That's what the soul wants you to trust, what they're saying, verify and see if it works or not. And that's what I want you to do with anything that we're talking about, you know, verify. And see. So with that was a great experience around the could have asked an additional question. So what did you mean, by I should be getting a new case, because I was focused more on. I like my case, I want to keep it. And if I asked maybe that question, to get a better clarity and what he meant by it, because I was focused on what I wanted, basically, he may have shared that with me. But it would additional effort, I would have needed this particular second guy automatically gave me the information, because he said, it is my desire to give my customers the best service. And that reminded me of my mother statement that we were raised with. Good, better, best, the good, good, better, and but the better get best. And that's what we want to do. Move from better, to best not good, but better, to best and be at our best self as often as we can, joyfully, harmoniously and happy to be our best, because that allows our soul to shine. So the ways of the soul are not necessarily the ways of the world. And the ways of the world more focused on materialistic and one of materialistic types of things, and fulfilling certain desires, human desires. And some of that is fine. But the ways of the soul is for infinity for divinity, wanting to be able to continue to be garnered, and, and Bill the ties to its sole source, the God presents the I Am the outline.

Dr. Judith Holder:

So we talked a little bit about it seems like this whole notion about cosmic law and the Johari Window and the needs of the soul and knowing being aware that the soul like a baby cries, but And as we're talking about the assumptions that sometimes that are made that may be flawed assumptions that we think are based on, you know, that are faith based. But we also have to confirm, to see and ask more questions to see if is these particular things that we have faith the round that everyone's going to give us great service or accurate? Because what the person gave was good service, but wasn't great service. And maybe I'll go didn't have needed great service at that time. But I did need great service because I needed the extra information to help me to understand why my case did not was not the appropriate case as it existed. Modified now it's fine. So I hope that makes sense. Please feel free to ask questions about it. What are your thoughts? Take care.