Episode 29

REAL Life Adventures in Living - Being Fully Present with Joy – Part II with Guest Richard Mead, LMT | EP 029

Dr. Judith is back with Richard Mead, LMT, for this second episode, Part II. Richard shares more about his adventures in living and how simple gestures and acts of kindness (e.g., smiles, melodies/songs, brain gym) build connections with others, allowing for a mutually more significant presence of joy. In the end, Richard shares an intentional mantra focused on staying centered and connecting to one's happiness.

Barriers and Roadblocks to Soul Progress Series: Dr. Judith discusses another obstacle that distracts soul progress in the next episode.

Stay tuned. Bye for now.

About the Guest:

Mr. Richard Mead, LMT recently retired as a message therapist at 75 years of age, and over his 34-year career helped clients around the world using compilation of massage techniques coupled with a deep understanding of the role ‘spirit’ and purification of the heart in the process, (https://richheartmassagetherapy.com/). Prior to his massage career, Richard worked in the United States and Australia (native and business owner) as a heavy equipment operator, and a corporal in the Commandos (like the Navy Seals), and due to injury was honorably discharged. His jury opened his curiosity and ongoing passion for the healing arts and therapeutic massage.

About the Host:

Dr. Judith Holder’s passion is empowering people to be their best selves! Dr. Holder is the founder and executive director of Unique Pathways™ (www.uniquepathwayscoaching.com). She is a leadership coach-psychologist, facilitator, consultant, and author.

Our paths are filled with many adventures in which Judith believes can be seen as growth opportunities, even during challenging times. She likes to think about, discover, and discuss personal and professional life’s circumstances as you journey through life, through the lens of Christian values, Buddhist precepts, Ascended Master teachings and Esoteric Principles to gain greater clarity and mastery in daily living. 

Dr. Holder is the author of Mastering Life’s Adventures: On the Beam – Essential Insights for Growth and Self-Mastery, and an e-book, Opening Up to Your Divinity: Practical Strategies and Practices for Soul Growth

On a personal note, Dr. Holder sees herself as a perpetual student/seeker learning from her everyday adventures, which she considers as a part her ongoing growth and evolution of her SOUL. The fun part is we are all walking similar journeys together!

Judith enjoys spending time with family, vacationing at beaches and mountains sides, reading, walking, partaking in mindfulness practices, and is a certified yoga instructor.


Dr. Holder’s books on Mastering Life’s Adventures: On the Beam and Opening Up to Your Divinity: Practical Strategies and Practices for Soul Growth can be found at -



Mastering Life’s Adventures “How to” Downloadable Courses at www.uniquepathwayscoaching.com under the Tab “Offerings”

  • Course 1: Mastering Life’s Adventures mini-course
  • Course 2: Opening Up to Your Divinity mini-course


Learn more about “Mental Fitness for Busy People”, at www.uniquepathwayscoaching.com under the Tab, “Offerings”


You can also check out Dr. Holder’s at

LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/judith-c-holder-phd-ms-pcc-bcc-a1a4a57/

Executive and Leadership Coaching website: www.uniquepathwayscoaching.com

Speaking Engagements (for Women New to Leading): www.drjudithholder.com


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Dr. Judith Holder:

Welcome to Mastering life's adventures, an educational podcast about tapping into your true self, the soul, your soul, the substance of your life, to discover what life's ups and downs are really about, and how to have a greater sense of purpose, peace, joy, and fulfillment. I am Dr. Judith holder and your host, Coach psychologist Delos seeker, he enjoys diving into the connections between spirituality, psychology, wellness, and your everyday life's adventures. All comparing and polishing you like the fast is a magnificent diamond to be your best self. If you're craving more from your life, you are in the right place. Come let's journey together and transforming what you know. And to who you really are Mastering life's adventures begins now.

Dr. Judith Holder:

Hi, we're back. We're back with Richard Mead. And he is sharing his perspective and experiences around staying present with joy. And this is part two. And we are focused on something we were talking offline about this how simple gestures have an impact upon us, and also has an impact upon other individuals, when we start being fully present with joy, and doing those small gestures of kindness, and how they do ripple and have a great impact on the lives of other individuals. So Richard, please share your experience about this simple gesture that you were talking with me about

Richard Mead:

is profound. It's profound, how a simple gesture, there was a story in the newspaper, quite some time ago that I read that this boy was going home from school, he dropped all his books on the ground. And a gentleman walked across the street, helped him with his books, tapped him on the back and said, You will be okay or something of that nature. The boy went home. Many years later, he was married with several children, and very happily married very happy life. And he wrote that he wrote the article in the newspaper. Because on that day, this boy was so depressed, he was going home to commit suicide. One gesture, one spot of light radiating out from your eyes, from your heart, we have to understand how deeply it affects all of life. it ripples out, what you send out comes back to you. You know there was it was interesting because I I had to do things. As I said, no education, total is zero. I was told by the principal of the school at the age of 15. You know, you just need to just don't come back next year. You need to get on with your life. And so I became a handyman. And actually very proficient at it because I'm very right brain and very intuitive. So I decided also I got some money, and I was really excited about having some money. And so the first thing I wanted to do, because it's really hard for me to deal because my soul was so sensitive with the music of the time, etc. So I wanted to build my own I love to build. But in order to understand something I like to build myself. So obviously, like a turntable, a record turntable, you have to buy the turntable, but all the other components, the boxes, the speaker boxes, and everything else. I built myself and no plans, no papers. I just intuitively built up. And my father was so fascinated by this. He told the next door neighbor, and the next door neighbor came over and said, Richard, come with me and I'd never been in this gentleman's home. And he took me in to a room that he had specifically, completely soundproof listening to classical music. He said here's a key You're welcome to come into this room, we won't hear you, the room is soundproof. 24/7. What is the reason why I'm telling the story? I had, I bought a tape recorder. Also, which I couldn't build, obviously. But what I could build on get into and build, because I had to understand the internal workings working. So what I'm suggesting there is, when we made the choice, to be positive, to come up higher, to find a higher way, no matter what is raging, at our back, Divine Love is compelled to open the door, specifically, for your beautiful being, because you've made that choice, not to be angry, not to go out and do some harm to some other part of life. You've made that choice to be a greater part of who you are. And the it is profound. Because all of my life has been a journey of working and functioning. For all of these aspects, the call it the universe, call it divine love, call it God, whatever we want to call it or really doesn't matter, it is the same essence. And one of the other things I was saying about were going out and just communing with the sun is also the stars at night. I've so often gone out and I talk to the stars. Venus is such a beautiful star. And it's right there. And so, so I feel it's so much it's like a sister, sister planet, to our planet. That's that's the feeling I get when I when I look at Venus,

Dr. Judith Holder:

one of the things that you're making mention of is his sense of the law of cause and effect and attraction, you know that through our conscious choice that we can talk focus on the positive focus and know that the things that are coming to us are not always great. And we and they can be painful and hurtful, like the divorce you talked about earlier, or even situations in which people are treating you rudely or unjustly. But we still have a choice to make. And the choices that you make then allow you to have the greater laws to come universal laws that come into effect, to help and to guide you, even though you may not know fully what you need to do. But at the soul level, when it's connected to its greater source, which we're all learning how to do. It brings to us what we need in the moment, and brings to us what we need in order to move through a difficult situation. Because you're saying, Richard, we're in that constant level of praying, praying to the sun or praying to the stars or are praying to I Am Presence, praying to our Christ self that exists within us as well, which is what I call, you know, in these episodes as the mediator that exist, you know, for us to be more united and our soul is trying to emulate what Jesus Christ it and be more Christ like. So all these experiences are trying to teach us how in the midst of that choice of the elevator up or down is how do we continue to go up in the elevator? Or how do we continue to kind of bounce on that trampoline to go to the next level of our self awareness and not be escaped by some of the things that happen at the lower vibrations or the lower levels that exist within our world and our life that we're going through. It's been delightful to hear your stories and hear how you can come become more present with joy. And the examples that you've given the suggestion about brain gym, which is a great suggestion to get look more into that suggested seekers to be able to do and I want to move towards a closure with Richard with what you want people to walk away with, what do you want seekers to walk away with? And the things that we talked about? And maybe in something that we haven't talked about? Yeah.

Richard Mead:

Good, wonderful. Build on your own reality that was placed in your heart by God, when you were born, or when you have started to pulse. You have the blueprint, your own divine blueprint that was placed in your heart by Beloved Jesus when you were born when the first half it was ignited the blueprint that may involve qualifications, or whatever, whatever it is detail to thyself be true, absolutely crucial. It's amazing. My wife and I had 30 years of marriage, we actually made a choice to have some separate time. And she was in the castle, it made sense to leave her there. So she could pray for me. And I went out, and to slay the dragon. So we were made a choice not to communicate by any means. Unless the mergency, I also got some male friends to watch out for her. So it's interesting, what we discovered is how much of ourselves, we gave away to each other by giving in and not being true to ourselves. We thought it was going to be a month, it ended up being 11 months before we felt it was right to come back together. And then I quartered her as if we're just met each other for the first time. But it was a recalibration of our marriage. Also, what came out of that was that she was much more appreciative of every little thing I do. And that's so wonderful for for a woman to pay that to her husband, because there's always a honey do list. Nevertheless, also, to have a little motto, I wasn't, quote, unquote, religious at all, per se. And actually, I wasn't. But I went to a yoga weekend workshop. And we did mantras. And this Latin was like, Okay, this is something different, because I wasn't, I wasn't drawn to any of that, prior to this moment. And what was interesting was that there was a time when there was a situation with my, the wives that were divorced, where she wasn't allowing me to see my children, etc, go to court. Anyway, that was another story. So it was a very dynamic situation where, once again, God's love for me, are so great, and for my children, that I walked over to her. And I said, this is this is the truth. I said, you're denying me access to my own children. I said, this is completely and totally inappropriate. I've never done anything of harm to those children, etc. at the exact moment that I started walking towards my wife, this is your ex wife and your wife, ex wife. This mantra that are doing it this yoga class kicked in, in my consciousness. It wasn't an outlaw thought. It wasn't coming from my human mind. But it was coming. And as I got closer and closer to her, it got louder and louder, but not enough that we couldn't communicate with each other. And I spoke my truth and then walked away. So I'm just going to, if we have time, I'm just going to quickly sing that mantra. Sure. Oh namaste via Gouda vein. Sutra, Nanda goo Ravi. Niche proper Jaya, Chanda Yi. Hit by Ah Hey, just see. Try him become a Dharma haze or gunden Bush devout a nun? Who would recommend of a nun rec room Shia Hmong, Rita. John G. Shan, Zhi, Shan Ji, what I'm suggesting is we need to have the tools available, and that comes from momentum. It was the most beautiful thing. It was the most and I was able to be present absolutely, unequivocally in my own truth. So wonderful thing to include. was being retired to having a mantra like that, because that was amazing that I remembered that, and it just came through at that moment was to have affirmations. Affirmations are very important if you're going to survive in this archive, okay, in other words, this physical well. So in closing, let's say a couple affirmations. So what I'd like to do with this is I will say the affirmation, the first time for our listeners to hear it. And then if they are so inclined to join in, and we're going to repeat the affirmation three times, three times, is the balancing of the Trinity. Okay, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. That's a whole new topic. But nevertheless, it is the Father God, the Son is our Christ self. And we are intended to become the Holy Spirit. And we are going to, we're going to do this little mantra. And it is, I am my father, one. I am my mother, I'm a one. And this is when you're saying that. It's not necessarily the father, mother outside of yourself. It's your own inner loving father and mother. Okay, that is connecting to a higher source, so to

Dr. Judith Holder:

speak, the quality of Alpha and Omega, the Alpha Omega, the yin and the yang that exists within ourselves, as well as outside of ourselves just to give an anchoring point for the seeker because we're both the Alpha Omega are the yin and the yang, that is concurrent who aren't who you aren't that in terms of that male and feminine energy that exists within all of us. It's just a matter of dosages. It's within as a male and as a female. Go ahead.

Richard Mead:

So let's take a moment whether you're driving or not, just listen to take a moment to breathe nice and deep and slow. Through the nose, out through the mouth now we're going to say the mantra together, I My Father are One by and my mother are one. I am my father r1 I am my mother r1 I am my father r1. I and my mother r1. Year just the if you can look out the ad I sent you, as a mother affirmation says it just Let's just do one more. Just you pick. In fact, you can you're welcome to to be the person that says and I think

Dr. Judith Holder:

I think it's very present for you to be able to do this mantra that you noted here is I choose to be present with joy, which is what we've been talking about and our time together. And so go for it. Richard there's a lot of time

Richard Mead:

before all this is so precious to me and all of the your beautiful souls that are listening to this podcast. I send light and love to you and your sacred journey. Just precious. Okay. What was the mantra again,

Dr. Judith Holder:

I choose to be present with joy.

Richard Mead:

Wonderful. Take that deep breath, through the nose, out through the mouth. made this affirmation totally and completely yours. Bird is absolute truth. The affirmation is I choose to be present with joy. Here we go. I choose to be present with joy. I choose to be present. When enjoy. I choose to be present with joy. Amen.

Dr. Judith Holder:

Well, thank you, Richard so much, because in that presence and in the modules that you've given, is one way in which we can be fully present, and have a can make a conscious choice to reside in joy, to be more joyful, and our expressions, even if from humble beginnings we have been gotten, and we've had strife and difficulties in our lives, we can in a conscious and intentional way, be present with joy, because where we put our attention to, is what we get more of, which has been one of the episodes that I talked about that in. And so in Richard's journey, he's too likely taking this timeout to explain to us his thoughts about being present with joy. And we would invite you to think about how you meet in grace or, or pull into your life more joy, and feel what that's like, and Mother Nature and out in the world. As you're living your life. Always have in the back of your mind, I choose to be present with joy. And that vibration that you send to others, because you become that vibrational energy being sent out, helps others maybe to be more fully present with joy, as well, as you heard from Richard and some of the different experience to see us shared. So thank you again, Richard, is there any way that you would like them to contact you with further questions or as they're seeking

Richard Mead:

even though I'm officially retired, which is, quote, unquote, I don't see myself every time per se. But in my bio, there is a link, which is the website that I had built for my massage therapy practice. There's a phone number there that you can call, etc.

Dr. Judith Holder:

Be careful. You may have a lot of people calling.

Richard Mead:

Yeah, it was really, it was really good. I went to the doctor a month or so back. And we finished what we're doing. And as he's walking out the door, he turned to me when I came in he Hello, Mr. Mead. When he walked out. He turned around before he walked out the door and he said, Richard, I'm gonna make an appointment with you next time. I said, Okay, I'll hold you to it

Dr. Judith Holder:

goes with that quality of the Richard that came through our time together is being fully present with joy in the different ways in which you've done that. And here's our website is a rich heart massage therapy.com, which will be in his bio, as he said, and when you link to that particular website, you will also find his telephone number at that site. So we are grateful that you've taken the time to join us and for now, bye.